Top 1% paying high % tax than ever before

The top 1% now hold more of the nation's wealth than the bottom 90% combined. So that they would pay a higher percentage of total federal taxes collected than the bottom 40%, wouldn't be a surprise. That anyone could not be shocked by this figure, and by the massive transfer of weath and stagnation of the middle class it indicates, would be a surprise, to me.

However, that they are paying "a higher percentage of their income than ever before" would be a shocker, since the top tax rate has been as high as 91%, and for years hoovered at around 70%.

I would like to see an explanation for that claim, personally.

There hasn't really been a "transfer of wealth". The middle class is doing better than it ever really has.
Maybe they should quit agitating to destroy the borders and drive wages down to suit their own greed. Maybe they can do that. Do low class people deserve any protection whatsoever of the job market? Isn't a border and all the implied protections something they need, that you are destroying? Does their greed know any bounds?

This is plain retarded. If super-protected borders help workers, why don't we split the US up and make more of them?
Im not anti-business, Im anti-greed. I'm anti-changing all laws and destroying borders to suit the needs of business while ignoring the needs of people, who fought and died for this nation, only to be sold out in the name of "The New World Order".

You're a simple nationalist full of hate. You were disproven 300 years ago, and htere is no logical way to defend your philosophy. Only emotional, which is what we have above.

I'm still waiting for the "massive sucking sound" of jobs fleeing to Mexico because of our trade deal, BTW.
Well, and again, I've seen conflicting reports, but if the first one is correct and and top 1% is paying ~30% in all of income taxes and they only make 16% of the entire pool, in my opinion they are paying twice as much as they should. If it were an ideal situation it would be one-for-one not 1 for 2. But honestly I think in grand scheme of things we are collectively focused and divided on the wrong thing. Politicians pounce on the divide to distract us from what I consider to be a more pronounced and bigger problem and that's their irresponsible spending and funding the war machine so their lobbyists are pleased and their pockets are lind. I personally think we should all be more focused on the waste than trying to make other people chip in to fund their drunken spending.

The rich obviously pay more than the average person. That would happen in any progressive system. In a flat system they would still be paying the most.
You're a simple nationalist full of hate. You were disproven 300 years ago, and htere is no logical way to defend your philosophy. Only emotional, which is what we have above.

I'm still waiting for the "massive sucking sound" of jobs fleeing to Mexico because of our trade deal, BTW.

No. You're a new world order brainwash victim, A propagater of pc self hate and self destruction. Your economic policies are irresponsible for the security and long term self sufficiency of the american people.
This is not from the IRS but my best guess.
The top 1% are paying more than ever as a percentage of income because of Cap gains taxes.
You lower them to 15% and people start selling. Make them 35% like ordinarty income and people hold on to good stocks. IMO:clink:
If I understood what you said there Spin, yes the drop in cap gains taxes prompted short term stock holding and increased the volitility of the market.
The cap gains drop is why I am playing the market and making good money at it.
But I don't think it is for the long term good of the country.
USC glad to hear your making money in the market, maybe you'll turn more positive. Funny how consistent money form investing brightens your outlook and interest in the economy.
However, cap gains apply to stocks held at least one year. So it's not short term traders I'm talking about.
ahh. I am positive that I will always be negative on the goals of big business being at odds with the working class.
On the surface doing better, but once you consider the debt load and near record low personal savings rates....
SO you don't think allowing multitudes of desperate people in depresses wages? you're an ignorant fool.

There wouldn't be any problem if we had just let them in in the first place. Now we've tried to unnaturally dam up the flow because of your irrationality. We would have been better off just never protecting in the first place. But we'll be worse off if we keep on protecting.

Wage depression? If any wage depression happens it will be temporary at most.
There wouldn't be any problem if we had just let them in in the first place. Now we've tried to unnaturally dam up the flow because of your irrationality. We would have been better off just never protecting in the first place. But we'll be worse off if we keep on protecting.

Wage depression? If any wage depression happens it will be temporary at most.
Wage depression happens because they have to sneak in illegally. They therefore haven't the same protections as those who come legally. By opening the front door and actually inviting them in instead of just cracking the back door and whispering that it's okey-fine to come on in with a wink and a nod, we could seriously limit any wage degradation as well as legally collect tax and limit our medical liability.

I agree WM, with that sentiment.
There wouldn't be any problem if we had just let them in in the first place. Now we've tried to unnaturally dam up the flow because of your irrationality. We would have been better off just never protecting in the first place. But we'll be worse off if we keep on protecting.

Wage depression? If any wage depression happens it will be temporary at most.

It's simply a function of volume and desperation. Even if they are legal it will still suppress wages. And "work visas" will displace even more americans as corporations will PREFER employees who's visas they can hold over their head for more power and control.
Wage depression happens because they have to sneak in illegally. They therefore haven't the same protections as those who come legally. By opening the front door and actually inviting them in instead of just cracking the back door and whispering that it's okey-fine to come on in with a wink and a nod, we could seriously limit any wage degradation as well as legally collect tax and limit our medical liability.

I agree WM, with that sentiment.

We need to allow as many in as our economy can logically handle without affecting the poorest workers too badly. Expanding the VISA program in fields where there isn't much American worker interest would be a good idea also.

We shouldn't set some kind of arbitrary random number of immigrants and VISA workers that we allow, it should adjust depending on economic conditions. Immigration is really one of the few things keeping us ahead in the world.
It's simply a function of volume and desperation. Even if they are legal it will still suppress wages. And "work visas" will displace even more americans as corporations will PREFER employees who's visas they can hold over their head for more power and control.

I've suggested that VISA's be tied to fields a person works in instead of the employer. The current VISA program makes workers into slaves.