Top 1% paying high % tax than ever before

you people crack me up,
it's partially my fault for not explaining it in a fashion that a non pencil neck accountant like me can grasp.

The point was the top 1% of income earners are paying a higher % of their total income in taxes than anytime in history.

How does this happen with very low rates you ask?

Well back in the day of higher rates, you have everything under the sun deductible.

Look I'm no where near that top 1%, I'm just passing on an interesting fact from the IRS.

One analyst said what I've been saying. The many in the middle class when question on it say they plan to or hope to be rich. And they don't want to give up half when that ship does come in.
That my frieds is why I say Hillary/Obama/Edwards or my new favorite Richardson needs to focus on military waste and not taxing the uppermiddle or upper class.:clink:

Let's see the actual stats. You haven't backed up one single claim you've made on this thread Top.
you people crack me up,
it's partially my fault for not explaining it in a fashion that a non pencil neck accountant like me can grasp.

The point was the top 1% of income earners are paying a higher % of their total income in taxes than anytime in history.

How does this happen with very low rates you ask?

Well back in the day of higher rates, you have everything under the sun deductible.

Look I'm no where near that top 1%, I'm just passing on an interesting fact from the IRS.

One analyst said what I've been saying. The many in the middle class when question on it say they plan to or hope to be rich. And they don't want to give up half when that ship does come in.
That my frieds is why I say Hillary/Obama/Edwards or my new favorite Richardson needs to focus on military waste and not taxing the uppermiddle or upper class.:clink:

Top, stop wasting your time shedding tears over how the top 1% is doing. The top 1% is ALWAYS going to be fine, and do well - regardless whether we have a Dem or GOP president.

If I were you, I'd be more worried about the AMT, and stuff that affects the middle class. I want the Dems to fix the AMT tax, and supposedly they are committed to doing so.

not sure if either of you wuss's realized it was that high.
How high should it be?

Maybe they should quit agitating to destroy the borders and drive wages down to suit their own greed. Maybe they can do that. Do low class people deserve any protection whatsoever of the job market? Isn't a border and all the implied protections something they need, that you are destroying? Does their greed know any bounds?
This is going to be tough for the anti business turbo libbers.

I'm not looking up a fucking link on a news story I saw on television.
Feel free to google and dig to prove it wrong.

Assume for a second that it is true which it is.
What percentage of total taxes should they pay?

Also to my point, most or very many middle class plan to one day be rich and don't want the rich attacked.
I'm a dem talking to dems to increase the tent size.
Remember without Iraq, no majority.
Think strategically and win in 08
This is going to be tough for the anti business turbo libbers.

I'm not looking up a fucking link on a news story I saw on television.
Feel free to google and dig to prove it wrong.

Assume for a second that it is true which it is.
What percentage of total taxes should they pay?

Also to my point, most or very many middle class plan to one day be rich and don't want the rich attacked.
I'm a dem talking to dems to increase the tent size.
Remember without Iraq, no majority.
Think strategically and win in 08

Top I'm getting really bored with your coming in here, throwing out claims, and then refusing to provide any evidence whatsoever for them and demanding that someone "prove you wrong".

But that's fine, whatever. I'm really not all that interested in whether you are wrong or right anyway.

Your claim that most middle class people, in fact, that most Americans plan to be rich someday is spot on. That is now the rich, and their handmaidens in the govt, manage to get middle and lower class support for such things as elimination of the estate tax. Statistically, a meaningless number of them ever will be rich.

It's a bait and switch scheme used to keep the rich gaining bigger and bigger pieces of the pie. Because after all, it could happen to you.

But statistically, it won't.
Duhla, I really feel sorry for you need to feel so distrusting of people.

Other than razzing people I don't see how I've given you reason to feel that way.

My opinion of a request for a link of something hear on a business report on TV is that is a redicoulus request.
I'm hear to teach, if you feel your narrow minded approach and clingyness to your middle class envy is the way to go more power too ya.:shock:
Duhla, I really feel sorry for you need to feel so distrusting of people.

Other than razzing people I don't see how I've given you reason to feel that way.

My opinion of a request for a link of something hear on a business report on TV is that is a redicoulus request.
I'm hear to teach, if you feel your narrow minded approach and clingyness to your middle class envy is the way to go more power too ya.:shock:

Top, I don't distrust you, I distrust what I hear on tv. Two weeks ago, MSNBC was making the claim that a majority of Americans support a pardon for Libby. In fact, 18% of Americans support a pardon for Libby. Just because one hears it on tv, doesn't make it true.

I am not jealous of the middle class Top. My father was an executive vice President of Drexel Burnham Lambert. That's how I grew up Top, if it gives you any clue. They were known at the time, for the high bonuses their employees were given. You might be able to imagine then, what my father pulled down. When they went out because of Milken and the like, my father moved into a like position at another brokerage house.

I have no envy.
cool, my bad on that
MSNBC is as bad as fox
I was watching CNBC which outside of a tad of preaching form the religious economist turned show host you get pretty much factual data and opinions on it. When they say data is from the IRS and their are 4 professional market analyst and not one questions the validity it's good enough for me.
I don't watch Oliley cause Unlike hannity I don't find him funny.
He pisses me off with his rightwingnut false arrogance.
cool, my bad on that
MSNBC is as bad as fox
I was watching CNBC which outside of a tad of preaching form the religious economist turned show host you get pretty much factual data and opinions on it. When they say data is from the IRS and their are 4 professional market analyst and not one questions the validity it's good enough for me.

Ok. I'd be very interested in seeing the info and what it means, and other takes on it. I'll see if any of the economists I read write about it. Maybe they will. I do read some you know!
cool, my bad on that
MSNBC is as bad as fox
I was watching CNBC which outside of a tad of preaching form the religious economist turned show host you get pretty much factual data and opinions on it. When they say data is from the IRS and their are 4 professional market analyst and not one questions the validity it's good enough for me.

Strange that you won't accept the word of experts on the world trade / outsourcing/ trade imbalance issues then....

Selective hearing ?
USC I don't think any economist outright lie at all.
If your referring to other countries growth etc. I think many are doing fine.
All I'm saying is we are still tops BY FAR.
Yes we have many serious problems, many caused by GW and the boot lickers.
I was referring to my post in the other thread about the consequences on the USA of world trade with no restrictions , outsourcing, etc...
the one that was supported by an EX Treasury Secretay and professors in the economics filed, that you so casually dismissed.

Seems like there is a lot of conflicting research out there, but according to these three articles the top 1% pays somewhere in the neighborhood of 30% of all federal income taxes.

And what percentage of the total income do they account for ?
Isn't median household income somewhere around 35K ?
Median per capita is about 37
Median Household is about mid 60's
If you take out teenagers and retirees your over 70,000
this is my point about having the dems retool their concept of who the middle class family is.