top 10 reasons to vote democrat which one is your choice ?

Oh boy! Another episode of 2 heads one body let's fight. They are the same, they are both beholden to multinational corporations not democracy, not people. Let the OP meat puppet have the corporate zombie hand move it's mouth through it's ass with the laughable by design 2 party divide.

'One will know their manipulated selves by their false constructed party alignment.'
Signed the Oligarchs.
#10 Why do you want to marry your dog? Did your dog consent to sex with you?

#9 Taxes are necessary. Who else to pay for our military, infrastructure and supporting the Constitution? What is your solution?

#8 Disagreed.

#7 Bullshit. Disagreed with you again.

#6 Disagreed. Complete nonsense for people like myself living 20 minutes from the nearest sheriff's office.

#5 A zygote isn't a baby. What evidence do you have that death row inmates are healthy and comfy? Do you really want to trade places with these assholes?:

#4 No, they don't. OTOH, they don't deserve to be exploited like indentured servants for profit. Why didn't Trump seek immigration reform instead of focusing upon a single-line of defense?

#3 Disagreed. Capitalism made the US the richest in the world which fueled both our power and provided a better existence for millions of families. It's why all those illegals want to come here.

#2 Disagreed. Trump wants to rewrite the Constitution too, but I disagree with anyone who bypasses the Constitutional process

#1 Your facts are distorted and twisted. Please make a note of it.

#10. Why do those that support marrying someone of the same sex based on their belief that people who love each other should be able to get married and others not liking it should have no say oppose someone marrying multiple spouses if all agree? I thought the same sex crowd believed in equal protection.

#9 Taxes are necessary to pay for things specifically delegated in the Constitution.

#8 You clearly believe the government should tell you how to spend your money. You support them taxing you in order to spend on things they don't have the power to do.

#7 I guess that's why the mentally ill transgender freaks don't get upset when someone identifies them as to their true gender rather than the one they think they can be by believing it can be true.

#6 Distance from the police department is irrelevant when immediate attention to the situation is needed.

#5 Typical excuse from baby killers. As far as those on death row being comfy, if they're still alive, that's more than they deserve.

#4 "You cannot let people who are sick, no matter where they come from, no matter what their status, go uncovered." - Biden's debate response to Savannah Guthrie when asked about providing federally funded healthcare to illegals. Remember, he is the next President. When lefties talk about immigration reform, what they mean is ignoring that the first act those they want to benefit from reform did coming here was a crime yet Democrats want us to trust that they'll be honorable citizens if fulfilling that path.

#3 Take away all the freebies from which illegals benefit and watch them stop coming. The legal immigrants want to come based on capitalism. That's why they came under the provisions of the law. The illegals first act coming here was to commit a crime and you want to reward that.

#2 What do you claim Trump did that proves he wanted to rewrite the Constitution?

#1 You refused to address the topic of that reason. Please make note of it.
#10. Why do those that support marrying someone of the same sex based on their belief that people who love each other should be able to get married and others not liking it should have no say oppose someone marrying multiple spouses if all agree? I thought the same sex crowd believed in equal protection.

You can oppose it all you want. We will continue to point and laugh at you for being a flaming closeted fuddlestick.
Oh boy! Another episode of 2 heads one body let's fight. They are the same, they are both beholden to multinational corporations not democracy, not people. Let the OP meat puppet have the corporate zombie hand move it's mouth through it's ass with the laughable by design 2 party divide.

'One will know their manipulated selves by their false constructed party alignment.'
Signed the Oligarchs.

awww you dont like the truth either how sad

Another illiterate Trumpfart that slays the English language and doesn’t know, even when it’s pointed out to them.

There’s a major difference between:


Try to figure it out, Jethro.

Fucking moron

ok goober I will , you keep denying the top 10 reasons are not how a lot of dumbacrapers feel
Extremely uncommon.

When the Right criticizes the Left, they point to fringe examples. When the Left criticizes the Right, they point to prominent activists and elected officials on the Right.

When the right gets criticized, it's for believing in liberalism. When the left gets criticized, it's for believing in Marxism and international socialism. One reason why there was so much desperation to highlight Charlottesville and its ties to national socialism, or to lie about the politics of the Proud Boys.
When the right gets criticized, it's for believing in liberalism. When the left gets criticized, it's for believing in Marxism and international socialism. One reason why there was so much desperation to highlight Charlottesville and its ties to national socialism, or to lie about the politics of the Proud Boys.


How does one criticize something that doesn't exist?
no Actually I dont expect good conversation , as for insulting people I just decided to start treting democrats they way they were treating me so no more mr nice guy, by the way you know many of the above reasons describe a most democrats to some degree so its not a insult if its true now is it .

Also if you dont like my threads why do you keep posting on them dumb ass no one is making you now are they.

Holy shit, do you type with mittens on?