The remora of JPP
You mean the baby killer or are you talking about some one else dumbness.
Yes I mean the baby killer who is in prison for life.
You mean the baby killer or are you talking about some one else dumbness.
Holy shit, do you type with mittens on?
When the right gets criticized, it's for believing in liberalism. When the left gets criticized, it's for believing in Marxism and international socialism. One reason why there was so much desperation to highlight Charlottesville and its ties to national socialism, or to lie about the politics of the Proud Boys.
My guess is that "Dudbob's IQ won't reach triple digits.
Holy shit, do you type with mittens on?
ok goober I will , you keep denying the top 10 reasons are not how a lot of dumbacrapers feel
#10. I vote Democrat because...
#10. Why do those that support marrying someone of the same sex based on their belief that people who love each other should be able to get married and others not liking it should have no say oppose someone marrying multiple spouses if all agree? I thought the same sex crowd believed in equal protection.
#9 Taxes are necessary to pay for things specifically delegated in the Constitution.
#8 You clearly believe the government should tell you how to spend your money. You support them taxing you in order to spend on things they don't have the power to do.
#7 I guess that's why the mentally ill transgender freaks don't get upset when someone identifies them as to their true gender rather than the one they think they can be by believing it can be true.
#6 Distance from the police department is irrelevant when immediate attention to the situation is needed.
#5 Typical excuse from baby killers. As far as those on death row being comfy, if they're still alive, that's more than they deserve.
#4 "You cannot let people who are sick, no matter where they come from, no matter what their status, go uncovered." - Biden's debate response to Savannah Guthrie when asked about providing federally funded healthcare to illegals. Remember, he is the next President. When lefties talk about immigration reform, what they mean is ignoring that the first act those they want to benefit from reform did coming here was a crime yet Democrats want us to trust that they'll be honorable citizens if fulfilling that path.
#3 Take away all the freebies from which illegals benefit and watch them stop coming. The legal immigrants want to come based on capitalism. That's why they came under the provisions of the law. The illegals first act coming here was to commit a crime and you want to reward that.
#2 What do you claim Trump did that proves he wanted to rewrite the Constitution?
#1 You refused to address the topic of that reason. Please make note of it.
I vote for Democrats because I'm not an illiterate racist, xenophobe, misogynist, religious bigot, and anti-intellectual.
I'm too intellectually and morally ELITE to vote Republican like a toothless, inbred cracker would.
I guess what I'm saying, Bulletbob, is that I'm better than you--and as dense as you are, even you know it.
#10. I vote Democrat because I love the fact that I can now marry whatever I want. I’ve decided to marry my German Shepherd.
#9. I vote Democrat because I believe oil companies’ profits of 4% on a gallon of gas are obscene, but the government taxing the same gallon at 15% isn’t.
#8. I vote Democrat because I believe the government will do a better job of spending the money I earn than I would.
#7. I vote Democrat because Freedom of Speech is fine as long as nobody is offended by it.
#6. I vote Democrat because I’m way too irresponsible to own a gun, and I know that my local police are all I need to protect me from murderers and thieves. I am also thankful that we have a 911 service that gets police to your home in order to identify your body after a home invasion.
#5. I vote Democrat because I’m not concerned about millions of babies being aborted so long as we keep all death row inmates alive and comfy.
#4. I vote Democrat because I think illegal aliens have a right to free health care, education, and Social Security benefits, and we should take away Social Security from those who paid into it.
#3. I vote Democrat because I believe that businesses should not be allowed to make profits for themselves. They need to break even and give the rest away to the government for redistribution as the Democrat Party sees fit.
#2. I vote Democrat because I believe liberal judges need to rewrite the Constitution every few days to suit fringe kooks who would never get their agendas past the voters
… And, the #1 reason I vote Democrat is because I think it’s better to pay $billions$ for oil to people who hate us, but not drill our own because it might upset some endangered beetle, gopher, or fish here in America. We don’t care about the beetles, gophers, or fish in those other countries.
I think I like #1 best, coming from folks that have tried to overturn an American election for a month in the courts.....![]()
It is unbelievably stupid that anyone would vote Democrat.
#10. I vote Democrat because I love the fact that I can now marry whatever I want. I’ve decided to marry my German Shepherd.
#9. I vote Democrat because I believe oil companies’ profits of 4% on a gallon of gas are obscene, but the government taxing the same gallon at 15% isn’t.
#8. I vote Democrat because I believe the government will do a better job of spending the money I earn than I would.
#7. I vote Democrat because Freedom of Speech is fine as long as nobody is offended by it.
#6. I vote Democrat because I’m way too irresponsible to own a gun, and I know that my local police are all I need to protect me from murderers and thieves. I am also thankful that we have a 911 service that gets police to your home in order to identify your body after a home invasion.
#5. I vote Democrat because I’m not concerned about millions of babies being aborted so long as we keep all death row inmates alive and comfy.
#4. I vote Democrat because I think illegal aliens have a right to free health care, education, and Social Security benefits, and we should take away Social Security from those who paid into it.
#3. I vote Democrat because I believe that businesses should not be allowed to make profits for themselves. They need to break even and give the rest away to the government for redistribution as the Democrat Party sees fit.
#2. I vote Democrat because I believe liberal judges need to rewrite the Constitution every few days to suit fringe kooks who would never get their agendas past the voters
… And, the #1 reason I vote Democrat is because I think it’s better to pay $billions$ for oil to people who hate us, but not drill our own because it might upset some endangered beetle, gopher, or fish here in America. We don’t care about the beetles, gophers, or fish in those other countries.
butn Bill number one dont say that cant you read dumb ass , o wait didnt democrats try to overture the 2016 election and claimed trump was cheating ? Hillary the drunk is still crying about it
Hillary was drunk & I think you are as well............
I thought your post was funny, although you obviously did not intend it to be so..
If you wish to stumble up & address me, start w/ my comment on #1, then we'll run your ass around the playground till you barf in front of the class......![]()
Your ancestors did it for over 100 years dummy...........
butn Bill number one dont say that cant you read dumb ass , o wait didnt democrats try to overture the 2016 election and claimed trump was cheating ? Hillary the drunk is still crying about it
#10. I'm good with polygamy. Yes, there's the same 14th Amendment issue with it as any other form of government-recognized (force of law) and tax benefit agreement.
#9. Agreed.
#8 Wrong again. As an adult you should know better.
#7 I'm good with everyone living their lives however they please, with whomever they please. All I think should be required is that all are consensual. When some are demanding special rights, different rights, then I become concerned.
#6 No shit, Sherlock. That was the fucking point.
#5 Lame reply.
#4 Try rephrasing that since I couldn't make heads or tails. Do we agree there is an illegal immigration problem and no national leaders are actively supporting a realistic long term answer to it?
#3 Try to keep up, son. Are you talking state and/or federal benefits? Which states? There's a difference. Overall, you've identified the draw; immigration to the Land of Milk and Honey to help one's family or seek one's fortune. It's an old story.
#2 Several things, but his actions the last few weeks tell me all I care to know. There's the letter of the Constitution and there's the spirit the Constitution was written. Anyone who claims that any government official should have the power to suspend the Constitution and impose martial law is not in keeping with either the spirit or the letter of the Constitution. That makes anyone who suggests or supports doing so an enemy of the Constitution.
#1 Bullshit. What happened, inmate? Did you run out of ideas?
Hillary was drunk & I think you are as well............
I thought your post was funny, although you obviously did not intend it to be so..
If you wish to stumble up & address me, start w/ my comment on #1, then we'll run your ass around the playground till you barf in front of the class......![]()
You’re vying for the Stupidest Fuck on this Forum, aren’t you? Trying to overtake Sailor and SmarterthanYou. I gotta say, you’re doing a damn good job, halfwit!