Topspin's son ranked 4th in nation

36 hrs round trip driving form Louisiana to Iowa falls for 18 minutes on the mat.
ck, you catch yourself on your own lies. thought you'd be interested cause your into MMA.
google the weight class ck, I already put too much personal stuff on here.
He started at 9yrs old when his brothers coach ask him to attend the high school practice. He had 200 matches before varsity in 9th grade and was the 19th ranked freshman in the nation. He kinda lost interes in sophmore year until after graduation and roofing in 95 degree 90% humidity of Nawlins convinced him college was a better choice.
I've never pushed my kids hard in any direction but when he asked me for a dorm depost and also on the initial drive to Iowa I did the daddy speach and he goes "dad that roof is waiting for me if I fail". I got chocked up!!! His older brother is impressed and says his picture hanging in the gym as a former All-American is modivation for little brother.

P.S. for a sprots junkie who was never the best kid on his block, it gets no better
That's great Topspin I can imagine how you feel. My own son made varsity in cross country as a sophmore and I thought I'd bust my chest with pride.
That is very cool Top. Tell him all the important people here are rooting for him too. 133 is a VERY competitive weight class in wrestling. Tell him to do an atomic drop for me. LOL
That is very cool Top. Tell him all the important people here are rooting for him too. 133 is a VERY competitive weight class in wrestling. Tell him to do an atomic drop for me. LOL

I won't even tell you what I think that is.
36 hrs round trip driving form Louisiana to Iowa falls for 18 minutes on the mat.
ck, you catch yourself on your own lies. thought you'd be interested cause your into MMA.
google the weight class ck, I already put too much personal stuff on here.
He started at 9yrs old when his brothers coach ask him to attend the high school practice. He had 200 matches before varsity in 9th grade and was the 19th ranked freshman in the nation. He kinda lost interes in sophmore year until after graduation and roofing in 95 degree 90% humidity of Nawlins convinced him college was a better choice.
I've never pushed my kids hard in any direction but when he asked me for a dorm depost and also on the initial drive to Iowa I did the daddy speach and he goes "dad that roof is waiting for me if I fail". I got chocked up!!! His older brother is impressed and says his picture hanging in the gym as a former All-American is modivation for little brother.

P.S. for a sprots junkie who was never the best kid on his block, it gets no better

this is cool, and you actually sound like a great Pop, topper.

Now, if you could only work on your manners, your anger, and take some english-as-a-second-language classes to get your linguistic skills up to speed, you might even be considered a top poster here. :)
Its not that I dont believe you Toppy....

Because I dont....But just so other people on this board know your whoppers....I'd just like some proof to back up the statement....

And Darla go home ugly queen...

Take Beefy's advice. You have nothing to prove. Screw the Canadians. We should take them over anyway, and drink all their beer. :clink: