toughest colleges to play on the road

I am hoping that the Buckeyes go thru their season undefeated. If they do I also hope Georgia does the same. (yes, that means I am hoping they beat my beloved Crimson Tide)

It would be fun to see a third SEC team beat Ohio State for a third loss of the National Championship.

And if the Bulldogs play like they did the second half of last season, they can certainly run the table. If they are undefeated at the end of the regular season they should be in the big game. They have a tougher schedule than most.
LOL.... #1 Florida and #2 LSU ...two SEC teams beat Ohio State out again! Poor Buckeyes!

I can't really argue with Fla and LSU, but I used to love Alabama at LSU in Baton Rouge at night. Always a helluva game. I didn't look at the whole list, but Oregon has to be up there, they haven't lost a home game in like 10 years or more. 'Course, they don't play anybody worth a shit, but still...
You need bitch slapped boy! :eek:

Hey, let GA do it this year and then we will do it next year.

Wouldn't that be great? Have the buckeyes slapped out of the National Championship 4 years in a row by 4 different SEC teams?
I am hoping that the Buckeyes go thru their season undefeated. If they do I also hope Georgia does the same. (yes, that means I am hoping they beat my beloved Crimson Tide)

It would be fun to see a third SEC team beat Ohio State for a third loss of the National Championship.

And if the Bulldogs play like they did the second half of last season, they can certainly run the table. If they are undefeated at the end of the regular season they should be in the big game. They have a tougher schedule than most.

Yea, Ohio States record against the SEC is just embarrassing. Hell the Big 10 would own the SEC if it wasn't for State awful record against the SEC.

I can promise you one thing. If OSU goes undefeated and there are two other undefeated teams the BCS will not pick OSU even if they beat all their opponents by 60 points. Can't says I blame the BCS for that.

Having said that. OSU is going to have one hell of a team this year. They were not expected to compete last year for the Championship game and back doored into it. They will be a much better team this year.
I heard that OSU was going to bitch slap LSU last year.

I heard that OSU was going to bitch slap Florida the year before.

Hey, its all part of the fun of college football. Don't sweat it.
Don't worry about that Dixie. If they play the Buckeyes, the'll get bitch slapped.

Hmmm, wonder what the all-time Alabama vs. Ohio State W-L record is??? Should we go look that up? Would it embarrass you too badly?

I can't believe Solitary is a true Bama fan... hopes UGA beats us... pft! I hope we beat UGA and get a chance to kick some Buckeye ass, this year AND next year, baby! Woot!
Hmmm, wonder what the all-time Alabama vs. Ohio State W-L record is??? Should we go look that up? Would it embarrass you too badly?

I can't believe Solitary is a true Bama fan... hopes UGA beats us... pft! I hope we beat UGA and get a chance to kick some Buckeye ass, this year AND next year, baby! Woot!


Dixie, relax. I will be screaming at the tv just like you when we play GA. But I am realistic enough to know that this is not our year to run the table. Next year? Its possible. After that? I'm betting on it.

But if I can't see the Tide win it all, I love watching the SEC show the world how we play football. And the way GA played in the second half of the season last year, they should be on fire this year.
Hmmm, wonder what the all-time Alabama vs. Ohio State W-L record is??? Should we go look that up? Would it embarrass you too badly?

I can't believe Solitary is a true Bama fan... hopes UGA beats us... pft! I hope we beat UGA and get a chance to kick some Buckeye ass, this year AND next year, baby! Woot!

I think it's 0 and 1 in favor of Alabama....but at the end of the least our players can sign their name on the ball.

Kinda reminds me of when I was at an OSU/Purdue game. We were shouting at the Purdue student section. "Were gonna kick your asses!" and they were shouting back "Were gonna get better jobs!" LOL
I think it's 0 and 1 in favor of Alabama....but at the end of the least our players can sign their name on the ball.

Kinda reminds me of when I was at an OSU/Purdue game. We were shouting at the Purdue student section. "Were gonna kick your asses!" and they were shouting back "Were gonna get better jobs!" LOL

Well, it's actually 4-0 in favor of Alabama, so if OSU were to beat us, it would be the first time, and I wouldn't be getting all cocky with the 'bitch slapping' thing.

As for who is smartest, we need to look at the all-time Debate Team W-L record between the schools. We both know, football players generally aren't the epitome of academia. Still, I bet Bama has as many former players with degrees as OSU. Now, Auburn? Tennessee? There are some dumb mofo's!

Dixie, relax. I will be screaming at the tv just like you when we play GA. But I am realistic enough to know that this is not our year to run the table. Next year? Its possible. After that? I'm betting on it.

But if I can't see the Tide win it all, I love watching the SEC show the world how we play football. And the way GA played in the second half of the season last year, they should be on fire this year.

Well, I am realistic too, but I honestly don't see a team we can't beat on the schedule. Yes, UGA will be tough, they always are. Yes, LSU is not going to be a cakewalk, it never is. Then there is that Auburn problem we been having. Those clowns have just gotten away with it for way too long.

I think Saban needs another year to put together a solid NC contender, but it would not surprise me to see it this year, and I certainly think we will mess up someone's BCS plans. I hope it doesn't come down to UGA having to beat Bama to play OSU in the BCSNCG, because I can't root against Bama.
Well, it's actually 4-0 in favor of Alabama, so if OSU were to beat us, it would be the first time, and I wouldn't be getting all cocky with the 'bitch slapping' thing.

As for who is smartest, we need to look at the all-time Debate Team W-L record between the schools. We both know, football players generally aren't the epitome of academia. Still, I bet Bama has as many former players with degrees as OSU. Now, Auburn? Tennessee? There are some dumb mofo's!

Wrong again Dixie. It's actually 3 and 0. We played in 77, 86 and 94. Ya'll won all 3.

I'll tell you one don't want to play us this year. Alabama's not one of the elite teams in the SEC this year and OSU will be a BCS team this year.

anyway's we'll see how good OSU is this year when we play USC.
Wrong again Dixie. It's actually 3 and 0. We played in 77, 86 and 94. Ya'll won all 3.

I'll tell you one don't want to play us this year. Alabama's not one of the elite teams in the SEC this year and OSU will be a BCS team this year.

anyway's we'll see how good OSU is this year when we play USC.

I was wrong? You was wrong first! I was thinking we had played recently, and it wasn't indicated in my records, which only went up to 2000. I think I was thinking we 'almost' played you once, but didn't because you lost or something. So, I got away from myself there a little, but still... 3-0 against OSU, I'd say we pretty much own you. And in 77? Wow, that was when you guys actually were great and had a great coach! :pke:
I was wrong? You was wrong first! I was thinking we had played recently, and it wasn't indicated in my records, which only went up to 2000. I think I was thinking we 'almost' played you once, but didn't because you lost or something. So, I got away from myself there a little, but still... 3-0 against OSU, I'd say we pretty much own you. And in 77? Wow, that was when you guys actually were great and had a great coach! :pke:

We still do have a great coach. He and the Buckeye's are 1-2 in national championship games in the last 6 years. Did we get embarrased in 2 of those games? Sure, but that's a nice problem to have. How many Championship games has Bama played in in the last 6 years?

Oh, that's right. None!

How many conference championships has Bama won in the last 6 years?

Oh, that's right, none!

The Bucks have won 4.

What's Saban's record in national championship games? 1-0.

What's Tressel's record in national championship games? 5-4.

What's Saban's won lost record in the NCAA? 99-48-1. (67%)

What's Tressels won lost record? 208-73-2.(73%) (and he's a year younger than Saban).

I'll take Tressel over Sabban any day. Right now Tressel and Carroll are the best coaches in NCAA IA.

Don't get me wrong. Saban is a good coach and Bama should improve with him at the helm. But he's not of the same caliber as Jim Tressel, Pete, Carroll, Urban Myers, Les Miles or Bob Stoops.

Saban also has a problem with loyalty. If Bama wanted a great coach for years to come, they hired the wrong man. Just ask Topper if he'd trade Les Miles to have Saban back?
LOL... Well to be fair, Bama was under most severe NCAA sanctions for most of the last 6 years, so it is not a fair comparison, in my opinion. How many National Championships does Bama have, and how many does Ohio State have?

As for the number of championship games you've choked in, that is a testament to how much the media loves you guys. You're like Michigan, Notre Dame, and USC... if they can justify putting you in the BCSCG, they will do it every time, doesn't matter how many games you've lost or to whom.
LOL... Well to be fair, Bama was under most severe NCAA sanctions for most of the last 6 years, so it is not a fair comparison, in my opinion. How many National Championships does Bama have, and how many does Ohio State have?

As for the number of championship games you've choked in, that is a testament to how much the media loves you guys. You're like Michigan, Notre Dame, and USC... if they can justify putting you in the BCSCG, they will do it every time, doesn't matter how many games you've lost or to whom.

Oh that's crap. The media bias is completely out of proportion for the SEC and, of course, Notre Dame and just because ya'll got caught cheating is no excuse. You're argument is bogus. The last two times OSU went to the BCSCG inn 96 season we were undefeated in regular season play and We were one of only two 1 loss teams in Div IA last year (the other being Kansas), hardly media bias.