There Can be Only One!
The only bigots and discriminators here are the trans because they do not want to accept themselves for what they factually are and think they have the right to rob everyone else of the right to be what we are which makes them the dumbest obvious discriminating bigots on the planet and the only people dumber than they are, are quite obviously the imbeciles that cater to such rubbish that trans represent such as globalists who use the lgbt easily baited hate group of idiots to assist with the divide and conquer process with obvious lies and deceptions upon several countries simultaneously in modern day, useful idiots, a severely corrupted media and gullible morons who's brains apparently hurt to much when it comes to thinking for themselves enough to stand up for the right to be what they factually are.
So what's next, do we finally throw what they call trans rights in the garbage pail where they belong or you owning a house hurts some compulsive obsessive lying deceiving bigoted discriminator's feelings so you have no right to own a house?! you conceiving children hurts some compulsive obsessive lying deceiving bigoted discriminator's feelings so you have no right to conceive children?! You being better looking than all of these compulsive obsessive lgbt liars and deceiving bigoted discriminators combined hurts some compulsive obsessive lying deceiving bigoted discriminator's feelings so you have no right to be better looking and deserve your face and body to be trashed so their feelings are not hurt?
As a human male, like every other human male that ever existed and ever will exist there is only one thing that factually makes me a male hence is why males are called males and that fact is that I was conceived with XY chromosomes thus like every other male that ever existed / ever will exist was born with a penis and I couldn't care less that this fact hurts some compulsive obsessive liars' feelings because some pathetic bigoted discriminators feelings never has and never will change the fact. Trans refuse to accept themselves for what they factually are, seem to think it's their right that anyone else should have to stoop to lying for them while also thinking they have the right to rob everyone else of the right to be what we factually are because us accepting ourselves for what we are they pathetically claim hurts their feelings. It's like someone robbing your wallet and you catch them and they claim they have the right to get away with it because catching them hurts their feelings. It's like someone punching you in the face and claiming you have no right to retaliate because retaliating hurts their feelings. Their feeling are irrelevant towards the fact that these compulsive obsessive liars do not want to accept.
If you are a man, the only two things that make you a man is that you are born with a penis and over the age of 18 but these obvious lgbt bigots do not want to accept you for what you factually are and their excuse for discriminating your right to be what you factually are is pathetically claiming that a fact they do not want to accept hurts their feelings, these discriminating bigots do not want you to accept yourself for what you factually are because again is pathetically claiming that a fact they do not want to accept hurts their feelings yet the lgbt further lies by claiming to be in any way shape or form inclusive and quite obviously because all they know how to do is lie compulsively and obsessively like the cheap, pathetic and easily baited globalist sock puppet hate group that they prove to be.
It's time to throw so called trans rights in the garbage pail permanently and globally for the well being and sanity of current and future generations of the life on this planet. WEF members / globalists deserve to be imprisoned and their assets frozen and given back to the countries that they have been stealing from for decades now via lobbying useful idiots etc. while they distract you with such rubbish that the lgbt represents as I have factually exposed on the foundation of their every issue I address for years now uncontested with even so much as a shred of validity. Useful idiots deserve to be imprisoned and their assets frozen and given back to the country they betray. Main stream media deserves to be shut down, the sell outs working their banned from ever being on main stream again and the main stream handed back to the public.
I am 99% sure I saw Klaus Schwab here within Collingwood Oct. 31 2022 in the passenger seat of a car driving by me with his shiny balding head and beady little eyes staring right at me on Hume St. as I was literally walking to the gym that I was just approved of for the subsidy on a membership so I could take a shower of which I was about to purchase that membership that day for the first time as Klaus and his driver went by me (that is no joke) and I must say it was surprising to not see Justin Trudeau right behind him but then it hit me, Justin's costume that day was likely the car seat.
I do not hate anyone or anything but that doesn't mean I like everyone, it doesn't mean that some peoples actions do not disgust me and it most certainly does not mean that their ignorance doesn't infuriate me. I have been discriminated, banned, shadow banned etc. because globalists and their little hate groups of discriminating bigots make up lies about me while using that as justification to discriminate me while making false accusations such as I am the one discriminating for simply sharing facts that expose their lies and deceptions with the greatest of ease. They lie to the public then call you the discriminator for exposing their lies.
There is only one kind of heterosexual 101 fact step right up for a real education
Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Collingwood Ontario Canada
Ps. Be good be strong!
Trans people are here to say. You can attack and ridicule them, but that only reflects on you.