Transgender support isn't "woke"

The fact the Left is harming women first and fixing it later is about par for the course when men are involved. LOL
I'll admit that this issue is complex.

But the ACLU sticks its nose into every issue that sounds like a headline.

Perhaps they should look to protect CIS women in sports?
I sometimes wonder if there's any other former professional athlete in this nation who attributes less importance to sports than I do.

I wonder if any donut cutters feel the same way about donuts.
I hope the hell not.
I still attribute substantial importance to them.

Still, I don't imagine many donut cutters end their careers at age 21.
Maybe longevity gives them more perspective.

Might not be important to you ,but it is to a girl or woman who worked very hard at their sport only to be beat by a man who pretends to be a woman.
Might not be important to you ,but it is to a girl or woman who worked very hard at their sport only to be beat by a man who pretends to be a woman.

Fully agreed on the not important to me part.
I suppose that there could very well be merit to the rest, as well...on somebody else's front burner.
I see higher priority wrongs to right at the moment. We don't have a national health service, for example.
Fully agreed on the not important to me part.
I suppose that there could very well be merit to the rest, as well...on somebody else's front burner.
I see higher priority wrongs to right at the moment. We don't have a national health service, for example.

Why are you wasting time here? Go get us all national health service. :thup:
Your militia is not against blowing up those same kids for political purposes. They've done it before and are still trying to do so.

Do you really think the RW terrorists who shoot up power stations like in Moore County, North Carolina, give a shit if anyone dies, kids included, because they cut the power?


i not a member of a militia.

i espouse peace and non-violence.
i espouse peace and love.

i have espoused no violence.

you will not find it on this site.

Again, you're a liar, Fredo. Your lies are all over this forum...all downloaded by the FBI, of course. LOL

More like they want to subjugate America to the will of ALLAH in a new world CALIPHATE. You jews like theocracy too though, don't you? Come now. You're in it together to enslave the stupid wasps aren't you?

RAHOWA! Bring it on, semitic people of theocratic hellhole origin!
RAHOWA = Racial Holy War

You're a violent, militia supporting antisemitic, Fredo.
Fully agreed on the not important to me part.
I suppose that there could very well be merit to the rest, as well...on somebody else's front burner.
I see higher priority wrongs to right at the moment. We don't have a national health service, for example.

But it's not all about you! Transgenderism has zero effect on your life.