Transgenders In the Work Place

So it is PC for men who dress like women to go in the womens rest rooms and such ?
imho WRONG!
No, no. TG is not the same thing as a transvestite (cross dresser). TG means someone who is "in the process," as it were.

To be considered TG, s/he -- I'll bet you haven't seen THAT in a while ;) -- has to be actively working toward reassignment surgery.
No, no. TG is not the same thing as a transvestite (cross dresser). TG means someone who is "in the process," as it were.

To be considered TG, s/he -- I'll bet you haven't seen THAT in a while ;) -- has to be actively working toward reassignment surgery.

so they are still male in eqquppage but dress like a woman and use the ladies rooms and such ? That is cross dressing or Drag. Just because they intend to become equipped differently makes no difference.
she does??
Rob, I'm talking about who Tiana noticed working with her...

she does??
dano what was the dixie/maine thing you were talking about buddy?[/QUOTE]
I was talking about Dixie saying how Maineman threatened to rape his daughter with biker buddies at gunpoint, read it down the page.
Note how Maineman can only answer that Dixie started it, rather than denying it. He is one sick fucker, I really can't be surprised at anything more he ever says...
Rob, I'm talking about who Tiana noticed working with her...

dano what was the dixie/maine thing you were talking about buddy?
I was talking about Dixie saying how Maineman threatened to rape his daughter with biker buddies at gunpoint, read it down the page.
Note how Maineman can only answer that Dixie started it, rather than denying it. He is one sick fucker, I really can't be surprised at anything more he ever says...[/QUOTE]

he really is pathetic... i almost feel sorry for him... ALMOST... he's always the victim... ever notice that, he pokes and pokes people then gets mad when they get him back... i love where he says lets put it all behind us... ok for how long the day... he still cant seem to put behind your calling his kid, after he said it was a done deal like 8 times already....

but he's gotta continue to be the victim...
Yes, she does.
And you can imagine our surprise when we saw your wife today. I'm thinking you should get her a case of nair for her face this Christmas season.
I'm not married to Darla? And I seriously doubt she would "see" herself, even industrial strength mirrors would crack long before she got a look-see.

Easy Tiana, I don't talk shit about your boyfriend, let's keep family out of this forum, we've already seen how ugly it can get with Maineman/toby...
I'm not married to Darla? And I seriously doubt she would "see" herself, even industrial strength mirrors would crack long before she got a look-see.

Easy Tiana, I don't talk *&%# about your boyfriend, let's keep family out of this forum, we've already seen how ugly it can get with Maineman/toby...

Pi ss poor comeback. Not "seeing"'ve lost your edge.

And my gawd, you all are like a bunch of little girls. "Wahhhhh, don't talk about my family" If I threatened them, lets say, the way you threatened me before, I could understand. But I didn't. get over it and move on.
Pi ss poor comeback. Not "seeing"'ve lost your edge.
Hmm, why Tiana, that almost sounds like an admission that I was good...

And my gawd, you all are like a bunch of little girls. "Wahhhhh, don't talk about my family" If I threatened them, lets say, the way you threatened me before, I could understand. But I didn't. get over it and move on.
I've never threatened anyone's family, ever.
I'm just saying talking about family leads to ugliness.
I'm just saying talking about family leads to ugliness.
That would depend on which family one was talking about.
Seems there are many more men who want to be women than there are women who want to be men. What is up with that?
Of course they do, in the USA wimmin have it made.
How many men are going to be bragged on for their clean kitchen vs making a living ?
Well there is that little problem of childbirth and all, but trannies won't have that problem :)