Transgenders In the Work Place

Hmm, why Tiana, that almost sounds like an admission that I was good...

I've never threatened anyone's family, ever.
I'm just saying talking about family leads to ugliness.

YEAH it actually sounds like it.... Lady T has a thing for the danonater...

:cheer: dano dano he's our man if he can't do it no one can!! :cheer:
"YEAH it actually sounds like it.... Lady T has a thing for the danonater..."

LOL, your just mad I remember how you used to agree with everything dano wrote! :p
Liberal VS Conservative





Liberals are nasty as you can see above... and conservatives are happy and lovey dovey people... Liberals only want to steal your money while you sleep and rape your daughter, but conservatives are friendly and will help old lady's cross the street to get to the bus stop

all one has to do is look at the smilies above....

Liberal=Bad Conservative= Good

Liberal=Unhappy Conservative = Happy

but its tough to be happy when your a po' dem.

see when your po' dem, you don't have money to have fun and your worried about prices for gas going up, but conservatives get to be la di da, b/c they have tons of money for price increases and to spend on themselves to make them happy