Transwoman sues to get testicles back

I'm not suffering from gender dysphoria, but you are.

You are probably right about this.
I've seen it before; men who used to be important are now impotent and it makes them angry. Those who have minor mental issues such as paranoia are easy prey for fearmongering. For those with paranoia, age-related dementia or early-onset Alzheimer's is a multiplier. They forget stuff then leap to the conclusion someone stole it. They forget to lock doors and, upon return, believe someone broke in to their room/home.

Most of the most ardent Trump racists on JPP all seem to share these characteristics; racism, fear, anger and a desire to hate/blame others for their plight.

Bettie Davis was famous for popularizing "Old age is no place for sissies" and they are all sissies.
Why do you steal another forum poster's name? You're not Tiggerred59.

MASON! You're either Mason or Jitler, bitch. You're white and male and not Tiggered59.

LMAO! :laugh: I know some names from the internet, and the way you post does not match that one.

The fact you have brain cells to even think amazes me. I am the tiger, have been the tiger for years and so many times, I'm called out for being some white liberal fuck head.....fact is, I's a girl, that hate stupid ignorant GOP nut suckers.....and news flash Matt, you and I go back years....LOLOLO
I've seen it before; men who used to be important are now impotent and it makes them angry. Those who have minor mental issues such as paranoia are easy prey for fearmongering. For those with paranoia, age-related dementia or early-onset Alzheimer's is a multiplier. They forget stuff then leap to the conclusion someone stole it. They forget to lock doors and, upon return, believe someone broke in to their room/home.

Most of the most ardent Trump racists on JPP all seem to share these characteristics; racism, fear, anger and a desire to hate/blame others for their plight.

Bettie Davis was famous for popularizing "Old age is no place for sissies" and they are all sissies.

Call me a racist or a hater, but white ppl, not all, but most are just simply brain dead beings who need a Trump to feel important in life, because like it or not, WHITE AMERICA....your numbers are slowly becoming a non fuckin factor in this much in fact, that Montgomery beatdown last weekend, that video went across the world and 99.99% was all in favor of the blacks kicking ass. Not one bullet was fired, no property destroyed, just a bunch of entitled whites, got what they deserved....FINALLY!! tThat's how sick and tired the world is of WHITE ENTITLMENT AND TRUMP!!


Call me a racist or a hater, but white ppl, not all, but most are just simply brain dead beings who need a Trump to feel important in life, because like it or not, WHITE AMERICA....your numbers are slowly becoming a non fuckin factor in this much in fact, that Montgomery beatdown last weekend, that video went across the world and 99.99% was all in favor of the blacks kicking ass. Not one bullet was fired, no property destroyed, just a bunch of entitled whites, got what they deserved....FINALLY!! tThat's how sick and tired the world is of WHITE ENTITLMENT AND TRUMP!!

Awesome. You're late, but the thread is about a nutjob who kept his "wife's" testicles in the fridge.

Why do fucking morons think they can bullshit sane, intelligent and/or educated people online any more than in person? Sure, it takes longer online to see a person's true nature online, but the behavioral ticks are there. Behavioral hobbyists like me prefer to do au natural what US and state intelligence and LEO agencies do with algorithms. You know, like Facebook and Truth Social tracks customers, our nations heroes track 1/6 traitors, terrorists and nutjobs.