Travel experiences

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
People who travel are exposed to different cultures and experiences especially traveling outside of the U.S.

Post your travel and experiences and how it changed your outlook
Have only been outside the country to Canada, so that probably doesn't count. But I can relate another experience.

We've gone camping in the backcountry of Denali National Park. The first time, we camped in the Teklanica River valley just outside the muskeg area. We saw caribou passing by who didn't even glance at us. We ate wild blueberries and cooked on the tiny camp stove. A monstrous thunderstorm came up in the afternoon. Lightning bounced off the mountains and the thunder was so loud we thought our ears would burst. It was glorious! Despite freezing my feet the next day crossing the river, it was so worth it. I learned that it doesn't mater how old you are, it's just a number. Get out and do things that maybe scare you a little. Make some memories!
People who travel are exposed to different cultures and experiences especially traveling outside of the U.S.

Post your travel and experiences and how it changed your outlook

Simply traveling to Canada you see how things could be different. Canada Day was serene by American standards of the 4th. The driving is also different with KM an hour. I loved this brewpub we went to in Regina, SK, and have been Facebook posting all the wonderful food since. The Granville Market in Vancouver is lovely. I missed out on getting some of the renowned Asian food in Vancouver though because we didn't stay.
There's absolutely no reason to post personal information on JPP.

And there's absolutely no reason to assign credibility to anecdotal claims.
Mexico, and Belize, children selling items to make money for the family. I wanted to buy it all from them, at the same time we were told not to buy from them because the parents were exploiting them. I was truly torn, I did buy Jack Bread and bracelets from them in Belize. They sold their goods after school to people on the beach. I’m a sucker for children.
There's absolutely no reason to post personal information on JPP.

And there's absolutely no reason to assign credibility to anecdotal claims.

Agreed. There's no reason for you to belong to this forum yet you do it anyway. Why is that?
People who travel are exposed to different cultures and experiences especially traveling outside of the U.S.

Post your travel and experiences and how it changed your outlook

Being exposed to different cultures is a good thing. The Mormon program of sending out missionaries and the Peace Corps are both civilian programs that allow people to see completely different cultures.

Mine global travel experiences were with the military beginning as a dependent. My dad was sent on a 3 year accompanied tour to a US armored division in Germany March 1960. I turned four years old on the boat over there. Came back to the US age 7 and finished up the last month of First Grade with my cousin in a small elementary school.

I liked Korea a lot. Japan was okay and the Philippines were fun for a week. The Mediterranean was interesting. Lots of countries there. Weird to go from the ritzy, topless beaches of Nice, France to the 1980s Middle Eastern shithole of Cairo, Egypt within a few weeks of each other.

There's a thread on JPP about RWers skipping bathing for several days to week. They'd have loved Cairo in the late 80s. Those people had no water to bathe.

Regardless of culture or geography, the smell of unwashed humans is the same. :thup:
I used to travel extensively when I worked in the airline and loyalty industry. I spent lots of time in Central and South America (Chile, Ecuador, Mexico), Singapore, Australia, Japan.

Chile was very eye opening in the way they approached work life, family life, and leisure time. Reminded me a lot of New York (late state to work, late dinners, etc). The family dynamic was very different. People tended to marry later and stay with their parents until they did. They were also VERY direct when it came to business. They didn't consider it personal so they didn't mind saying things that WE would consider personal attacks. I actually liked the approach. No passive aggressive there. The other thing that many of the posters here could learn from was how much they value their right to vote. The turnout far exceeds what it is in the US. Voting is on Sunday, and they celebrate elections. Bottom line, be careful what you ask for. Getting out from under the yoke of Pinochet was liberating for them. We sadly are headed in the other direction.

I could go on, but that's just a small sample.
Simply traveling to Canada you see how things could be different. Canada Day was serene by American standards of the 4th. The driving is also different with KM an hour. I loved this brewpub we went to in Regina, SK, and have been Facebook posting all the wonderful food since. The Granville Market in Vancouver is lovely. I missed out on getting some of the renowned Asian food in Vancouver though because we didn't stay.

I loved all the pics of your adventure too. What a beautiful trip in a beautiful part of the planet.
I traveled from San Diego to New Orleans years ago. It was like I traveled back in time.
Let's see. The first thing I noticed, was 'No Right Turn on Red'. So you sat at a Light. There were no cars. And it was illegal to make a Right Turn.
The second thing: 'You can Drink and Drive, but you can't be Drunk and Drive'. It was odd driving up to Gas Stations and watching people buy 6-Packs. Even odder watching people throw Beer Cans out of their cars while the Police were right next to them.
'Blue Laws'. Everything was closed on Sundays. Well, not the Bars, they stayed open 24/7.
Drinking Age: 18. Coming from San Diego that was a shock. In San Diego if you wanted to drink under 21, you had to go to Tijuana.
'Help Wanted' signs. They were everywhere. I'd never seen a 'Help Wanted' sign before except on TV.
'Shirtless'. I was walking down the main street (Canal St.) in New Orleans when these two Cops drove up, jumped out of their car, and started screaming "Put on your shirt!". Being from San Diego, I felt I may have entered Bizzaro World. If anybody has ever been to New Orleans in Summer, they know it's fucking Hot & Humid.
'Mardi Gras'. It's like All Rules have Been Suspended for a week.

I recommend traveling to New Worlds. Eye Opening.
What about yours, Guno?

Guno grew up in a ethnic neighborhood where he went to a 'Hebrew-Only' school.
As a young teenager, he was forced to go to the 'Two Minutes of Hate' seminars.
Later, after graduation, he moved to North Carolina*and formed his own 'Two Minutes of Hate' seminar.
He travelled to Israel once. Found out they ate pork there, and realized these people were a bunch of Devil Worshippers ... and fled, never to return.
Ne now spends most of his time here ... Hating.
What about yours, Guno?

--->"Despite Judaism's prohibition on eating pork, pigs are raised, slaughtered and processed as food in Israel. Pork, referred to as “white meat” in Hebrew, has been available at numerous restaurants and stores in Israel for decades.Mar 14, 2018

Pork in Israel Reflects Clash of Cultures - Atlanta Jewish Times"

--->"Despite Judaism's prohibition on eating pork, pigs are raised, slaughtered and processed as food in Israel. Pork, referred to as “white meat” in Hebrew, has been available at numerous restaurants and stores in Israel for decades.Mar 14, 2018

Pork in Israel Reflects Clash of Cultures - Atlanta Jewish Times"


Can you confirm or deny that a pigs ass is pork?:thinking:
Can you confirm or deny that a pigs ass is pork?:thinking:

Socks. (shaking head) Guno is Leader of the JJJ, some group fashioned after the KKK, and in Hebrew means, ... roughly translated, 'Black Jews Against White Jesus'.
It goes back quite a while and there is an extensive Article on the Southern Poverty Centers website claiming this group is behind the 'Star of David Burnings on people's lawns'.
I don't want to go out on a limb here, but I will bet you Matzah Balls against Pigs-in-a-Blanket, that Guno has little traveling experience since being placed on the 'No-Fly' list has limited Guno's travel.

At the canteen they asked if you wanted the special meal.

For lunch you were permitted one beer. Is poured for you and ready for the taking.

Not everyone is Kosher or Hallal.
