I asked you.

Yesterday I watched a brief video about the weapons the Taliban had when the U.S arrived and the weapons we have left them with. Small arms.

Tanks, Mortars, Humvee-mounted Grenade Launchers, Blackhawk helicopters, Stinger SAMs, and Howitzers are NOT "small arms".
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Why don't you help the dipshit then and tell us specifically how Trump committed treason? :palm:

You might be waiting for a long time. I am still waiting for friend to give me specific evidence on how Trump personally orchestrated the capitol riots. It's been over nine months now.
I'm shocked you didn't say the same thing about Earl. :thinking:

I thought you were smarter than Earl.

I am. This thread is a mirror copy of his to show him how ridiculous his thread is. ;)

Well, Biden has taken millions of dollars from China, and they will end up with just about all of our ground battle tech to reverse-engineer. Did Biden do it as a "whoops", or on purpose?