
Morons have nothing but the word D' jour to offer ...
TD, you title is safe...

You win that title with every post BuckTard. Got any more stupid predictions you want to make that will make you look even dumber? :rofl2: What are you now, 100 for 100 of being flat out wrong ad stupid? Don't answer that; it was rhetorical.


so when someone points out racism its called what?

I wish you lying liberal assholes actually knew the definition. But alas, you hurl it around with stupid abandon at anyone who disagrees with your Fascist Marxist views. Do yourself a favor and STFU.
Are connies capable of thinking for themselves anymore?

When a new word or term takes hold, within 24 hours, they all use it ad nauseam. Deep state, virtue signaling, fake news & now triggered. I didn't even hear the latter until about a week ago, and now it's in every other connie post.

I know, I know - TRIGGERED! But my recommendation to the connies is to start thinking for yourselves and ditch the lame talking points and marching orders. It's good for your character.

As always, I'm rooting for all of you. There is still hope.

trigger it right up your ass racists.

your thinly vieled threat MINDSET has fucked you once again

why cant you just discuss facts instead of getting boners over the idea of harming people