
Definition of trigger
a :* a piece (such as a lever) connected with a catch or detent as a means of releasing it; especially :* the part of the action moved by the finger to fire a gun
b :* a similar movable part by which a mechanism is actuated trigger of a spray gun
:* something that acts like a mechanical trigger in initiating a process or reaction

Definition of trigger
a :* a piece (such as a lever) connected with a catch or detent as a means of releasing it; especially :* the part of the action moved by the finger to fire a gun
b :* a similar movable part by which a mechanism is actuated trigger of a spray gun
2 something that acts like a mechanical trigger in initiating a process or reaction

I don't see "shoot" in this definition. Pay special attention to 1b and 2.

so you are triggering us for death or you want to cause what to happen?

when you shove that up your ass does it trigger your tiny rancid dick

you just keep shoving it up your ass

be sure its off your gun first
Seems it doesn't take much for you or evince to be triggered. If you guys had as much compassion for all human beings as you seem to have selectively, you would spare yourselves a lot of bitterness. Get a life.

A bit over the top.

But thank you for your input.
Are connies capable of thinking for themselves anymore?

When a new word or term takes hold, within 24 hours, they all use it ad nauseam. Deep state, virtue signaling, fake news & now triggered. I didn't even hear the latter until about a week ago, and now it's in every other connie post.

I know, I know - TRIGGERED! But my recommendation to the connies is to start thinking for yourselves and ditch the lame talking points and marching orders. It's good for your character.

As always, I'm rooting for all of you. There is still hope.

while this is not a 'defense' of 'connies', is it really any different than you lefties and your 'teabagger' label??????
Ironic coming from a lying liberal fool who merely parrots the idiot talking points you're fed by the Phony media and the DNC.

Reminds one of the never ending chants of Russia Collusion, racist, Nazi's and White Supremacists you leftist dumbfucks constantly erupt with.

Yes you have been; and it is fun watching lying leftist dipshits like you cry about it.

Again; what would a whiny liberal dullard like yourself know about thinking for yourself, much less thinking? Here's a recommendation for you; don't lecture us on the very bullshit you lying leftist assholes do yourselves.

I do wish you had some.

As always; you're still lying and just can't seem to help yourself. No one needs your kind of help; but you certainly need to see a professional.


