Trolling political boards

Actually, the mod who "spanks me every day" is the one who was responsible for cleaning up the sock drawers:)
I believe I thanked her...:)
You're so extra funny when you're mad:)

Ah, so your continued begging and whining seeking to find out about "the mod who spanks me every day" is just more of your juvenile trolling and shit-disturbing.... since obviously you know who I was referring to. Thanks for clearing that up.

Dear Gods,

Why did you make so many mosquitoes and idiots?

Thanks in advance,
Here's just one, read it and weep.

Imperator: I hate hillary with all my soul. I think she is an actual murderer that has put hits out on people. I think she is a sociopath in the truest sense with her...

Thank you. Was that so hard? I see and concede your point. Now that has been cleared up my original argument still stands. If mods show they are very partisan can they be neutral in the decision process?
No, I'm not going to drop it. And I'm not going to spoon-feed you all the information you don't want to see when you click on links. It sounds like you don't want to admit you're wrong so you're punting.

Your remarks are typical for cons, summed up like this:

It's just more of that Toxic victim mentality. She's been whining and sobbing in PMs to Angry Bird about how mean and unfair Covfefe is for responding to her snark and for exhibiting her terrible partisan lefty-ness. He is pretending not to see that the other mods show their righty-ness just as often. But they don't spank Toxic like Covfefe does, so they don't count.

Poor snowflakes. lol
I think your imagination's working overtime.
There we go...see how easy that was? Now you can ask her who she meant;)
ETA: Guess she told you. Who knew she speaks for the one of the mods around here? Must be something she needs to do because being a mod at the cesspool didn't work out so well...
Now let's see if we can get Mason to tell me which mod hates me. We'll be able to get this all cleared up before 2:00 if we're lucky
That's what Mason and Fowl claim. I want to know, if that's true. Wouldn't you? I have no problem with any of them that I know of...:(
I've clicked on all the other mods names. I'm just not seeing what you are implying..

Liar. I did not say any mods hate you. Frankly, if they even give you a second thought, it's similar to the one they gave to the fly that landed on their sandwich. I told you that you get spanked every day by one of the mods, to which you replied that you knew which one. Now you're playing Poor Pitiful Me for the entertainment of the troops. You need some new material, Prunie.
I didn't read all their posts. I clicked on the made it sound like there was going to be something Identifiable there. Why don't I ever see them, in threads...but see Covefefefefe all the time?Going after people?
Uh, oh. Things are being clear...:whoa:

Aw, poor widdle snowflake, so picked on and abused. Here, let's call you a

Whine One One (How many times did we have to make that call for Fowl when Amazon was up and running? 10-12 times a day, if not more)'re welcome Fowl. Feel free to use that anytime...You earned it;)
Mason said a mod hates me. Do try to keep up...
Now there's one of her most genius remarks....ever:)
How sad they must be these days...
Whine One One (How many times did we have to make that call for Fowl when Amazon was up and running? 10-12 times a day, if not more)'re welcome Fowl. Feel free to use that anytime...You earned it;)
Mason said a mod hates me. Do try to keep up...

If he did, then I guess you'd better be asking him.... rather than sobbing all over this thread about how unfair and mean Covfefe is to you by responding to your spite in a humorous and condescending manner. Poor Prunie. Such the delicate buttercup.
Now there's one of her most genius remarks....ever:)
How sad they must be these days...

I bet people would appreciate this terribly witty comment if they had even the slightest clue WTF you're talking about.

Geeze, you just can't find good twats anymore.
This is easy. Try to get some new material by the time I get back. And some new names...;)
Whine One One (How many times did we have to make that call for Fowl when Amazon was up and running? 10-12 times a day, if not more)'re welcome Fowl. Feel free to use that anytime...You earned it;)
Mason said a mod hates me. Do try to keep up...

No I said the mods hated you!What's to like?
You come here everyday starting shit,then playing victim!
It's Amazon all over again.
Oh...he means the mods from that GRcesspool...not the ones on JPP. I should have known that he wouldn't speak for the moderators here...silly me:)