fully immersed in faith..
Zero evidence my ass
never seen your ass, but I still assume its bigger than the evidence that Trump did something wrong.......if not, you couldn't sit on a chair.....
Zero evidence my ass
It is VERY clear that tRump is both jealous of, and intimidated by, Mr. Acosta.
The unwarranted to loyalty towards tRump is based on their infatuations with guns, and their fixation with abortion. As long as tRump supports those agendas, he is free to do whatever he wants as far as they are concerned.
Lists and lists of the ways this abomination has made America a MUCH worse country...
fair long as Trump opposes abortion I am willing to support his agenda of appointing conservative judges, cutting taxes, improving America's position in the world economy, making the US a net energy exporter, growing the workforce and making the country prosper........
never seen your ass, but I still assume its bigger than the evidence that Trump did something wrong.......if not, you couldn't sit on a chair.....
Sorry, the bullshit flag goes up here. You are willing to both support tRump and defend tRump even when he is wrong. You are not a policy supporter of tRump, you are a zealot.
No official transcript of the call. Just an edited "after the fact" summary. tRump refusing to let people testify. McConnell blocking witnesses. Yeah, it was a fair trial.....lmfao.
/shrugs.......your bullshit flag is dipped in your own shit.........I am not a policy supporter of Trump.....I support conservative policies......I am glad that Trump has been doing the same.......
the senators heard the testimony of every witness the demmycunts called in the presenters repeated it ad nauseum in the remember right?.....the witnesses that said they didn't hear Trump's phone call, but made an assumption that he did something wrong........did you think no one was paying attention to your stupid pony tricks?.......
Trump is doing a great job...IF WHAT YOU WANT DONE IS to bring shame and ridicule on America. Trump is doing a great job IF WHAT YOU WANT DONE IS to destroy the institutions and norms that make America what it is.
Finally, YOU calling me a like your Fuhrer calling Joe Biden fat.
He wouldn't piss on your if you were on fire...and must laugh himself to sleep at night knowing jerks like you support him.
The unwarranted to loyalty towards tRump is based on their infatuations with guns, and their fixation with abortion. As long as tRump supports those agendas, he is free to do whatever he wants as far as they are concerned.
I'll fix it for you......loyalty toward trump because he can fucking comprehend the second amendment unlike you morons. One doesn't have to be infatuated with guns to understand the ramifications of losing them. Sadley your ignorance could lead to the destruction of our country. One you claim to be worried about. Try reading the constitution convention papers to get an understanding of why the 2nd amendment was put there. Maybe look at what unarmed people have had happen to them in the past BY GOVERNMENT. You dumb sack of crap. Educate yourself and understand that millions before you said it would never happen to them and it did.
You wouldn't recognize a fact about Trump if it fell on you.
Lists and lists of the ways this abomination has made America a MUCH worse country...abound.
People like you are blind to them.
Morons who support dictators and wanna-be dictators are like that.
Trump would not piss on your if you burst into flames in front of him.
Get your head out of tRumps ass and join the REAL world. Not the "fake" one tRump tells you exists.
The House heard from witnesses that were ALLOWED to testify.
When you control the NancyDance, the outcome is guaranteed.
did some dumbfuck do that?.......if I had noticed I would have corrected him......just like I always do with you.......That said, purposely altering facts to make a point (in other words lying)
did some dumbfuck do that?.......if I had noticed I would have corrected him......just like I always do with you.......
Dude, I cant keep up with how much you lose...)