Trump Appeals More to Men Who Are Sexually Insecure

It's an interesting idea but it's usually also closely associated with love of guns or abnormal love of cars. The guns and cars are an extension of their bodies that are used to represent manliness.

Whether that's common to Trump's supporter or Trump's opponents, Dem supporters or Repub supporters, would be an interesting study?
It's an interesting idea but it's usually also closely associated with love of guns or abnormal love of cars. The guns and cars are an extension of their bodies that are used to represent manliness.

Whether that's common to Trump's supporter or Trump's opponents, Dem supporters or Repub supporters, would be an interesting study?

Why are some so obsessed with the size of men's genitals? It is obviously an attempt to denigrate those with whom they have political and cultural differences.

The conclusions of the study may or may not be true, but certainly not because of this study that was based on Google search terms:

"Measuring fragile masculinity poses a challenge. We could not simply do a poll of men, who might not honestly answer questions about their deepest insecurities. Instead we relied on Google Trends, which measures the popularity of Google search terms."
Keep posting. I enjoy watching you show your ignorance.


I reject your attempted re-brand.

I didn't buy it 10 years ago when you stapled teabags to your faces and pretended to care about debt after supporting Bush who doubled the debt with his policies.

I didn't believe it 5-6 years after that when the teabags came off and a red hat went on.

And I'm sure as shit not going to buy it now that it is crystal clear where this trainwreck is headed.