Trump Calling Mexicans Rapists

June 2015:

He was talking about illegal immigration for context to the above.

He said Mexico is sending people. That is wrong. He said, "they are rapists, and some I assume are good people." So you cannot understand that that is claiming a large part of those coming in are rapists. You cannot understand that? It is, in essence, saying they are rapists, well maybe some of them are not, but there sure is a lot of racists there.

Nope he didn't.

1. Who are those people who are sending "them" here?
2. What makes them not being the "best"? And why send them here?
3. Why assume "some" are good people and not rapists?
4. What are the border agents telling Trump?

Read carefully. It's bad choice of words.
He said Mexico is sending people. That is wrong. He said, "they are rapists, and some I assume are good people." So you cannot understand that that is claiming a large part of those coming in are rapists. You cannot understand that? It is, in essence, saying they are rapists, well maybe some of them are not, but there sure is a lot of racists there.

Time to look at exactly what he said.

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

Now, let's have a closer look at this:

In the first sentence, he is talking about people who he alleges that Mexico sends, and he has excluded "Mexico's best" from the people who he is talking about. This first sentence clearly shows that Trump was not commenting on "all" Mexicans, just the people who Mexico sends who are not also not Mexico's best.

Ok, next sentence. "They're not sending you, they're not sending you", sounds like it is open to interpretation, but the one thing we do know is that he is not talking about Mexico's best, or all Mexicans.

The next sentence really narrows things down as far as who he is talking about. "They're sending people who have lots of problems, and they are bringing those problems with us." Here, he has narrowed down who he is talking about to people Mexico sends, who are not Mexico's best, certainly not every Mexican everywhere, and who are bringing problems. His grammar is pretty screwed up with the "us" thing, but it does not appear he is intending on including "us" as who he is talking about.

This next part is not describing who he is talking about, but tells us some of the "problems" of the people who Mexico sends who are bringing problems. "They're bringing drugs, They're bringing crime. They're rapists." Those problems that this isolated group of people who are not Mexico's best, not you, not all Mexicans, and who have problems, do sound pretty bad, so I am sure glad that Trump brought these things up. These things need to be brought up and be handled.

Last sentence: "And some I assume, are good people." It was pretty generous that Trump added this on, considering the kinds of problems that this isolated group of people are bringing. He assumes that some of these people who Mexico sends who are not Mexico's best, not you, not all Mexicans, and who are bringing such problems are actually good people.

Now we know who Trump was talking about:
An isolated group of people who Mexico sends who are not Mexico's best, not you, and who bring lots of problems.

Now we know who he was not talking about:
He was not talking about Mexico's best, or all Mexicans, or you.
Nope he didn't.

1. Who are those people who are sending "them" here?
2. What makes them not being the "best"? And why send them here?
3. Why assume "some" are good people and not rapists?
4. What are the border agents telling Trump?

Read carefully. It's bad choice of words.

do you have a quote of Trump calling all "Mexicans" rapists? Didn't thinks so.
Ah yes.... it is "somewhere," but it cannot be reposted. I have seen this before. There is always a reason why it can never be posted for the world to see, it has to remain "somewhere".

Huh? You REPLIED to it!!!!!!

I'll paste it.

"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending the best. They're sending people that have lots of problems and they're bringing those problems. They're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime. They're rapists and some, I assume, are good people, but I speak to border guards and they're telling us what we're getting."

No excuse this time.

Now answer my questions.
Huh? You REPLIED to it!!!!!!

I'll paste it.

"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending the best. They're sending people that have lots of problems and they're bringing those problems. They're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime. They're rapists and some, I assume, are good people, but I speak to border guards and they're telling us what we're getting."

No excuse this time.

Now answer my questions.

I asked for a quote of Trump calling all "Mexicans" rapists. The quote you provided does not. Look very carefully at the quote and tell me who exactly Trump called rapists, and who all he excluded from being called rapists. Tell me who exactly Trump called rapists without including people he excluded.

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

Now, let's have a closer look at this:

In the first sentence, he is talking about people who he alleges that Mexico sends, and he has excluded "Mexico's best" from the people who he is talking about. This first sentence clearly shows that Trump was not commenting on "all" Mexicans, just the people who Mexico sends who are not also not Mexico's best.

Ok, next sentence. "They're not sending you, they're not sending you", sounds like it is open to interpretation, but the one thing we do know is that he is not talking about Mexico's best, or all Mexicans.

The next sentence really narrows things down as far as who he is talking about. "They're sending people who have lots of problems, and they are bringing those problems with us." Here, he has narrowed down who he is talking about to people Mexico sends, who are not Mexico's best, certainly not every Mexican everywhere, and who are bringing problems. His grammar is pretty screwed up with the "us" thing, but it does not appear he is intending on including "us" as who he is talking about.

This next part is not describing who he is talking about, but tells us some of the "problems" of the people who Mexico sends who are bringing problems. "They're bringing drugs, They're bringing crime. They're rapists." Those problems that this isolated group of people who are not Mexico's best, not you, not all Mexicans, and who have problems, do sound pretty bad, so I am sure glad that Trump brought these things up. These things need to be brought up and be handled.

Last sentence: "And some I assume, are good people." It was pretty generous that Trump added this on, considering the kinds of problems that this isolated group of people are bringing. He assumes that some of these people who Mexico sends who are not Mexico's best, not you, not all Mexicans, and who are bringing such problems are actually good people.

Now we know who Trump was talking about:
An isolated group of people who Mexico sends who are not Mexico's best, not you, and who bring lots of problems.

Now we know who he was not talking about:
He was not talking about Mexico's best, or all Mexicans, or you.
I asked for a quote of Trump calling all "Mexicans" rapists. The quote you provided does not. Look very carefully at the quote and tell me who exactly Trump called rapists, and who all he excluded from being called rapists. Tell me who exactly Trump called rapists without including people he excluded.

I didn't say he called all Mexicans rapists. Only those "they" are sending.

Now, let's have a closer look at this:

In the first sentence, he is talking about people who he alleges that Mexico sends, and he has excluded "Mexico's best" from the people who he is talking about. This first sentence clearly shows that Trump was not commenting on "all" Mexicans, just the people who Mexico sends who are not also not Mexico's best.

Okay. Who are "they" sending them and why?

Ok, next sentence. "They're not sending you, they're not sending you", sounds like it is open to interpretation, but the one thing we do know is that he is not talking about Mexico's best, or all Mexicans.

Correct. Just those people "they" are sending, whoever they are.

The next sentence really narrows things down as far as who he is talking about. "They're sending people who have lots of problems, and they are bringing those problems with us." Here, he has narrowed down who he is talking about to people Mexico sends, who are not Mexico's best, certainly not every Mexican everywhere, and who are bringing problems. His grammar is pretty screwed up with the "us" thing, but it does not appear he is intending on including "us" as who he is talking about.

So now he didn't choose his words carefully as you claimed?

Last sentence: "And some I assume, are good people." It was pretty generous that Trump added this on, considering the kinds of problems that this isolated group of people are bringing. He assumes that some of these people who Mexico sends who are not Mexico's best, not you, not all Mexicans, and who are bringing such problems are actually good people.

Why say rapists THEN assume some are good? Makes no sense.

Now we know who Trump was talking about:
An isolated group of people who Mexico sends who are not Mexico's best, not you, and who bring lots of problems.

Again, WHO and WHY?
I didn't say he called all Mexicans rapists. Only those "they" are sending.

I am looking for a quote of Trump calling all Mexicans rapists. Mexicans as a group, Mexicans as a nationality. The left alleges Trump called "Mexicans" rapists, in the context of a broad generalization toward all Mexicans. That is what this thread is about.

Trump did not even say that all the Mexicans that "Mexico sends" are rapists.

Okay. Who are "they" sending them and why?

Not relevant to the topic of the thread. All we know from Trump's quote is that he alleges Mexico is sending them. That's all.

Correct. Just those people "they" are sending, whoever they are.

Not all of the people who "they" are sending, not all people who he alleges Mexico to be sending.

So now he didn't choose his words carefully as you claimed?

He chose them well enough to beat Hillary 306 to 232

Why say rapists THEN assume some are good? Makes no sense.

Go back into the quote and tell me exactly who he called rapists, and exclude everybody who he did not call a rapist.

Again, WHO and WHY?

It's all there in Trump's own words, but he never called all Mexicans rapists.
I am looking for a quote of Trump calling all Mexicans rapists. Mexicans as a group, Mexicans as a nationality. The left alleges Trump called "Mexicans" rapists, in the context of a broad generalization toward all Mexicans. That is what this thread is about.

Who said that? And if that's what they're saying, they're wrong.

Trump did not even say that all the Mexicans that "Mexico sends" are rapists.

Then why mention it at all? Why not "criminals"? Or murderers, drug dealers, mules and others?

Not relevant to the topic of the thread. All we know from Trump's quote is that he alleges Mexico is sending them. That's all.

Oh it's very relevant. The claim is that Mexico as a country is sending them. Who? Their government?

He chose them well enough to beat Hillary 306 to 232

That's quite a weaseling.

Go back into the quote and tell me exactly who he called rapists, and exclude everybody who he did not call a rapist.

Ask him. Who? He said "some" could be good people. How many is "some"?

It's all there in Trump's own words, but he never called all Mexicans rapists.

I never said that.

Again, why is "Mexico" sending rapists as he alleges?
Who said that? And if that's what they're saying, they're wrong.

Go back track post 268.

The left. That is why this thread exists. Are you honestly telling me that you had no idea that the left has been using his famous quote to allege that Trump categorized mexicans as a group as rapists? You will lose a lot of credibility if you try that crap.

Then why mention it at all? Why not "criminals"? Or murderers, drug dealers, mules and others?

It doesn't matter

Oh it's very relevant. The claim is that Mexico as a country is sending them. Who? Their government?

The claim that Mexico is sending anybody at all has nothing to do with Trump calling all Mexicans rapists.

Ask him. Who? He said "some" could be good people. How many is "some"?

Where is the quote of Trump calling all Mexicans rapists?

I never said that.

Did you back trace post 268?

Again, why is "Mexico" sending rapists as he alleges?

Dont know, dont care. He never called all Mexicans rapists.
Go back track post 268.

The left. That is why this thread exists. Are you honestly telling me that you had no idea that the left has been using his famous quote to allege that Trump categorized mexicans as a group as rapists? You will lose a lot of credibility if you try that crap.

Well can you name them? Quote them? If they did say that, then they're wrong.

It doesn't matter

It does matter to Mexico. Ugly accusations against other countries is bad diplomacy.

The claim that Mexico is sending anybody at all has nothing to do with Trump calling all Mexicans rapists.

I understand that but why the ugly accusation?

Where is the quote of Trump calling all Mexicans rapists?

Asked and answered.

Did you back trace post 268?


Dont know, dont care. He never called all Mexicans rapists.

I know you don't care about bad diplomacy.

Now name those who said Trump said all Mexicans are rapists. And if they posted that, I'll reply to them.
Of course he didn't call all Mexicans rapists. Even Donald knows better than that. However he was painting them with that charge. Think of Mexican, think of rapist. It was insulting. Some white people are rapists. TRump may be ,or came close. So fear old white ,rich people.

This nerdy quote is for APL.

See how Nordy first says that Trump didn't actually call all Mexicans rapists? He then contradicts himself and went back to all Mexicans
You spent all that time agreeing with what I said earlier. Trump did not say all. The add on was not generous. Trump does not have that characteristic. He was fending off the future criticism. The clause ,of course, was about him.

Mexico does not send its people. So that is wrong too. Trump was insulting Mexicans. Otherwise he would not have said anything at all.

Mexicans are rapists and murderers. Some are not. Would you feel better after that?

For APL again. Nordy just claimed he didn't say all, but then he goes right back to the "all Mexicans" context while ignoring who exactly Trump called rapists.
Almost two tears now, and nobody has come up with a quote of Trump referring to Mexicans, as a group, as "rapists." It is good to see that lefties understand that there is no evidence of Trump ever calling Mexicans as a group, "rapists."

Same shit reposted since the day he said it......:palm: Can you say stale as hell??

He said, then he qualified it, as you do by adding qualifiers...

Well he didn't say as a team, or as a race etc etc etc...... Why not list the first 10,000 things he didn't say??

You make a horrible stawman.......

He did say some where were good ppl, those are probably the illegals he had working @ his hotels & golf courses.......:laugh: