Trump calls for Supreme Court to reconsider flag burning laws amid protests

Not to mention naked men on bicycles. THESE guys are loons!

I used to do that on a regular bike when I was a kid. One time I showed off doing that downhill and it scared my grandma to death. LOL.

Maybe that's what Trump is trying to do with - Trump-calls-for-Supreme-Court-to-reconsider-flag-burning-laws-amid-protests - while this Christian Nation SCOTUS will continue it's master race constitutional court which conjures up fabricated misnomers of immaculate drug conceptions for thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament arsonists as interpretation & guardianship to remain all too dang lily brilliant white since 24 Presidential American flags presented for business excellence to WW II Veterans after the war were inconsequential to the function of this Christian Nation.
yes it is.

No. You are using 'fascist' as a buzzword to try to describe your weird conspiracy theories.
The word 'fascism' was coined by Mussolini (a dictator) and later used by Hitler (a dictator). Both had been influenced by Karl Marx to form the dictatorships they did.

It is a government that dictates to businesses almost every aspect of their business operations. Yes...that includes corporations. It is socialism. It is theft of wealth. It is nothing more than a step on the road to communism, that other form of socialism, where businesses are owned outright by the government.
No. You are using 'fascist' as a buzzword to try to describe your weird conspiracy theories.
The word 'fascism' was coined by Mussolini (a dictator) and later used by Hitler (a dictator). Both had been influenced by Karl Marx to form the dictatorships they did.

It is a government that dictates to businesses almost every aspect of their business operations. Yes...that includes corporations. It is socialism. It is theft of wealth. It is nothing more than a step on the road to communism, that other form of socialism, where businesses are owned outright by the government.

no. corporatism is a core fascist tenet. I didn't make it up. go learn, fool.
Yes you did. You are making shit up. Corporations are not fascism. They are a business structure. Business is not fascism.

When the business of this Christian nation churchstate is either "serve the Pope or die" just as Islam's "death to the infidels"; that's fascism under the propaganda of being religion. As for America, Inc: Daniel U. Smith, AMERICA, INC., Who Owns and Operates the United States by Morton Mintz & Jerry S. Cohen (1972 )
its just one possible form of currency. a bad one. for many reasons. the federal reserve is textbook fascism.

Money isn't a business. Not fascism. It IS, however, price controls on money itself. The result is inevitable, shortages (the result of all price controls). More and more people are looking for another form of currency. They are beginning to see the writing on the wall.

Bitcoin, gold and silver, and SDRs are all being explored. Already, there are several businesses that will trade using one or more of these as currency.

If enough people settle on another currency, it will shock these fiat issuers to the very core. International trade will be VERY different than what it is now. Such a shift might very well result in violence at some point.

But fascism? No.
Money isn't a business. Not fascism. It IS, however, price controls on money itself. The result is inevitable, shortages (the result of all price controls). More and more people are looking for another form of currency. They are beginning to see the writing on the wall.

Bitcoin, gold and silver, and SDRs are all being explored. Already, there are several businesses that will trade using one or more of these as currency.

If enough people settle on another currency, it will shock these fiat issuers to the very core. International trade will be VERY different than what it is now. Such a shift might very well result in violence at some point.

But fascism? No.

fiat currency is totalitarian in nature. fascism fiat currency internationalist empires are enabled.
Money isn't a business. Not fascism. It IS, however, price controls on money itself. The result is inevitable, shortages (the result of all price controls). More and more people are looking for another form of currency. They are beginning to see the writing on the wall.
Bitcoin, gold and silver, and SDRs are all being explored. Already, there are several businesses that will trade using one or more of these as currency.
If enough people settle on another currency, it will shock these fiat issuers to the very core. International trade will be VERY different than what it is now. Such a shift might very well result in violence at some point.
But fascism? No.

There's been another form of currency trading people for dominating markets with the business of sociopsychopathilogical human farming in survival of the fittest fascists.
fiat currency is totalitarian in nature. fascism fiat currency internationalist empires are enabled.

As in money talks totalitarianism where SCOTUS has fabricated misnomer immaculate drug conceptions for thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament arsonists lynching enforcement fascism to maintain that pedophilia master race business currency fiat where killing to maintain their monopoly of one nation under God empire propaganda following in that keep America's Christian schizophrenia great....
As in money talks totalitarianism where SCOTUS has fabricated misnomer immaculate drug conceptions for thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament arsonists lynching enforcement fascism to maintain that pedophilia master race business currency fiat where killing to maintain their monopoly of one nation under God empire propaganda following in that keep America's Christian schizophrenia great....

oh yeah, that old chestnut.