Trump calls for Supreme Court to reconsider flag burning laws amid protests

That is nothing new (or scary). The right has long opposed the court decisions striking down those laws. With the economy and virus and race issues Trump needs to turn to patriotism as a safe (and emotional) issue for his supporters. It doesn't really seem to be getting much traction.

You don't get speak for everyone. You only get to speak for you.
Yeah, Fascism has always been present on the Right, ever since the Left/Right divide started in France. But throughout history, the Right has moved further and closer to either Fascism or Centrism, depending on the time. Any time it moves closer to Fascism, we should be concerned.

Fascism is a form of socialism, dude. It comes from socialists and Democrats.
Fascism is a form of socialism, dude. It comes from socialists and Democrats.

Democracies don't just become Fascist out of nowhere.
The United States is not a democracy. It never was. It is a federated republic.
Trump hits all 14 points on the list that I posted
Your list means nothing. You don't know what 'fascism' means. It's just a buzzword to you.
and he tried to cheat in two elections.
Yeah, he hasn't eliminated free speech or elections, but that's only because he doesn't have the power to do so yet.
He hasn't tried to do either.
The Fascist moves he has been able to make, he has.
Buzzword fallacy. Trump is not a fascist. He is a conservative.
But all of those things can be rationally explained away.
You are not being rational, since you are making shit up.
Saying these things are equivalent is like calling evolution and religion "different schools of thought."

The Theory of Evolution IS a religion. It is essentially a fundamentalist style religion. It's believers try to prove it True using supporting evidence (supporting evidence is not a proof), it is based on a circular argument (also known as the argument of faith). It has arguments extending from that initial circular argument.

That is a religion. Only religions use supporting evidence.
you're a moron

trump is pushing back on corporatism run amock, which is what globalism and fascism are, corporatism.

Fascism is not corporations. It is the control of the operation of business (and corporations) by government, which decides what that business will manufacture, when it can manufacture it, who it must sell it to, who it must buy raw materials from, who it must employ, who is must not employ, or any other similar dictation of how a business is run by government.

It is a form of socialism. It is on the road to communism, where the government simply takes the property and businesses outright.
Biden is a Globalist too. I don't like Biden, I just know he's less terrible than Trump.

So you want to vote for a guy that lies in church, claims to lead the nation by improperly wearing a mask, then appears without one at all moment later, claims to have been supported by the NAACP his entire time as a politician (he wasn't), refers to a black guy that asked a question that he isn't black, makes random and meaningless references to throwing a ball, and can't remember what happened on July 4th, June 6th, or Dec 7th in history.

And that's just this last week!
Fascism is not corporations. It is the control of the operation of business (and corporations) by government, which decides what that business will manufacture, when it can manufacture it, who it must sell it to, who it must buy raw materials from, who it must employ, who is must not employ, or any other similar dictation of how a business is run by government.

It is a form of socialism. It is on the road to communism, where the government simply takes the property and businesses outright.

fascism is corporstism. it's when the state and large corporation are unified in policy to their mutual benefit, to the detriment of individuals.

today it has an internationalist flavor to it.

examples include:

obamacare, a law you have to buy insurance.

too low minimum wages plus social services, allowing corporations to externalize basic labor costs onto the taxpayers at large.

sorry you're a fascist.
Obama is a socialist. He advocates bigger government and control of every aspect of your life by the government.

That is not what socialism is.

If it is, then we are getting the same thing from Trump: calling for controls on the media, wanting to limit my free speech, controlling trade through tariffs, trying to prohibit Congress from issuing subpoenas, limiting travel, claiming authority to open or close down the states...more government authority than Obama ever claimed. And his healthcare bill was just Obamacare Light without the funding. Our government size and spending have increased under Trump--higher deficit/debt, increased border employees, wasteful stimulus programs.

We may favor some of these programs, but it still resulted in increased government power and spending controlling more aspects of our lives. Even his reduction in regulations are outnumbered by the number of new regulations.
The States are NOT legally bound to follow it. The Court does not have authority to change the Constitution.

Funny, but all the states and federal government are under the impression they must follow the law.

And the court did not change the Constitution, it struck down laws which were unconstitutional because they restricted our free speech.

"Congress shall make NO law.... abridging the freedom of speech" clearly making the federal law criminalizing flag burning unconstitutional.
It has done so for 230 years and the country follows those rulings---that sounds like a lot of authority.

LOL, this is why I ignore him. He says galactically stupid shit like that. Why bother? The primary purpose of Federal appellate courts is to interpret the Constitution. Anyone who doesn't know this is a moron. Hence the ignore.