I know you're not saying Obama supporters are Socialist or Communist. What I'm saying is that supporting Trump actually is supporting Fascism, but supporting Obama is not supporting Socialism or Communism. That's what makes it a False Equivalence. And I included a link to show why Trump, or at the very least his policies, is Fascist.
I'm all for saying both sides are wrong when both sides actually are wrong. I'll never defend either side that fought in WWII. But when it comes to the modern American Left and Right, there is no comparison. The Left has plenty of problems, but the Right is literally Fascist.
But you are making false claims. Since Trump has done nothing dictatorial that destroys the fascist comparison and makes it as inaccurate as socialist or communist claims. That eliminates the "false equivalency" claim.
When both sides think they are morally superior you know it is more partisan preference than morality.
Conservatives/Republicans/Trump supporters think they are better because liberals are "immoral." They point to abortion, the "war on Christianity," lack of support for religious freedom, and gay marriage as immoral. Whether these things are true is not the issue, it is their belief in their moral superiority.