Trump calls for Supreme Court to reconsider flag burning laws amid protests

Yep. B-17 pilot. A year in a POW camp. He's as liberal as they come. He despises Trump and he would laugh at the suggestion that flag burning should be illegal. He knows better.

Thank him for his service for me.
Him hating Trump is insignificant.
He "knows better"? Interesting...
Yes. You realize most of them are dead. My dad turned 99 this week. As I said, he would consider you 'an idiot' or worse. He doesn't suffer fools. Like you. Couldn't care less if you believe me. He is about as liberal as they come.

Wow, 99 -- that's a wonderful long life. Is he in fairly good health?

He must be much like "The Colonel," my brother-in-law's late father. He also served in World War II and stateside in the Korean War, as did his wife who was a secretary to Gen. Taylor. When W invaded Iraq, The Colonel boxed up his many medals, citations, and other mementos of his service and sent them to the WH with a letter stating that he could no longer support what the U.S. government was doing. He passed away before this latest travesty of an IMPOTUS. I imagine that his take would be the same as your dad's. All three of their sons are also open-minded and patriotic.

As RB constantly shows, not everyone who served was the same way. Just because *his* father would not approve of the various forms of free speech doesn't mean that they were all that way.

Those aren't American leftists you dumb fuck. :palm: #FuckOFFTroll


Why? It is a piece of cloth. Should you be allowed to wear flag colored clothes as Roy Rogers did? Should you have a ceremony to get rid of flag underwear and socks? respect is earned not given by force.

Sure! Tell that to the men and women bleeding and dying for it. #Moron :palm:
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My father was a WWII vet, just about every one of my uncles were (except the one who was killed in Korea) were WWII vets. I shot competitions with WWII vets, Nam vets and Desert storm vets.
I highly doubt you'd burn a flag in front of them. They cared about that "piece of cloth."

My father and all my uncles were too. My dad and closest uncle were in the navy. He tried to get into submarines but got rashes in the testing. So he was in PT boats. Another uncle fought in the Philippines . None of them were too chatty about what they went through.
The flag remains a piece of cloth. The Supremes addressed the issue. They decided it.
You cannot mandate or legislate "respect". The more you try and force the issue, the more folks will strive to oppose it.

Shows how little respect Americans have for their country then. They all need to leave it's safety and travel a bit. Preferably why being shot at.
A New York City law has new guidance that states the use of the term "illegal alien" to "demean, humiliate or harass a person" is illegal, according to the New York City Commission on Human Rights.

The guidance "defines discrimination on the basis of perceived or actual immigration status and national origin under the New York City Human Rights Law in public accommodations, employment and housing." It also includes the term "illegals."

The guidance, announced Sept. 25, also states "harassing or discriminating against someone for their use of another language or their limited English proficiency, and threatening to call ICE on a person based on a discriminatory motive, are considered to be in violation" of the New York City Human Rights Law.

Those found in violation of the law can be fined up to $250,000.

This does not make "speech" illegal but when it is used to harass or discriminate which are separate violations. Also, these do not apply to the general public but to:

"unlawful discriminatory practices in employment and covers entities including employers, labor organizations, employment agencies, joint labor-management committee controlling apprentice training programs, or any employee or agent thereof.N.Y.C."

"The term “employer” does not include any employer with fewer than four persons in his or her employ,"

NYC also requires employers and landlords to use the pronoun preferred by the employee/tenant.

"You can be fined for not calling people ‘ze’ or ‘hir,’ if that’s the pronoun they demand that you use"
Shows how little respect Americans have for their country then. They all need to leave it's safety and travel a bit. Preferably why being shot at.

This country was founded on the predication of FREEDOM. FREEDOM to choose. Many immigrants came from countries where they had no such freedoms. What you are suggesting- without realizing it- is taking away freedom under the auspices of patriotism. It simply wont work. If you so object to individuals expressing their freedoms, I suggest that YOU move to country where such expression is not permitted.
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I'm finishing up a two month stint of midnight shifts. As such, I needed a good
I get tickled at seeing TD's spasmatic postings. Fortunately, I dont have to see the buffoons "wacko" comments.
Mine was a B-17 pilot. He was shot down on his 13th mission and spent a year in a POW camps, the first near Hamburg. Had to do a couple of long marches as the allies were closing in. Those B-17 missions were remarkable. I saw an HBO documentary about it, the conditions in those plans were spartan. He has great stories.

There is a good book about a B-17 in WWII that was badly damaged in a mission and barely flying. A German fighter pilot escorted it until they passed the German anti-aircraft guns.
There is a good book about a B-17 in WWII that was badly damaged in a mission and barely flying. A German fighter pilot escorted it until they passed the German anti-aircraft guns.

That's pretty remarkable. I do know that towards the end of the war, the POW camp that my Dad was in become much more lax. They didn't have enough food to feed everyone, so they let them go to local farms for food. There were times when german soldiers would escort them back to camp, and they would take turns carrying the Germans gear. I guess at the end of the day, we're all just human.

If the whole air war interests you, I'd recommend a documentary called 'Deep Blue Sky'. Incredible footage of the missions. It's on HBO.