Trump's Brain
The Best Brain
we support him because he still likes us better than he likes you......
All evidence to the contrary. He fears and despises you. He'd turn on you in a minute for the smallest bit of criticism and you know it.
we support him because he still likes us better than he likes you......
They are either extremely ignorant or else they are is hard to know a lot of the time.
Yes, yes and "big pain is coming", we know <sigh>. Can you be any less optimistic?
True/Not True is what matters.
But you've been so wrong in the past. Your predictions/opinions are just that. Not truth. Your opinions.
Find some humility and decency. That's what this country sorely needs more of.
I am right a high percentage of the time. Smart people listen to other smart people.
Humility is massively over rated, demands for humility are very often demands to be quiet about what we hurts the collective massively.
Your assessment of your intelligence is just another one of your opinions that could be as wrong as your prediction that trump would resign just a few months into his term.
It's pathetically hilarious that those who accuse others of being "elitists" are shilling for the most boisterous elitsts who's ever existed!
trumps the kind that would have a velvet Elvis wall hanging on his wall
All evidence to the contrary. He fears and despises you. He'd turn on you in a minute for the smallest bit of criticism and you know it.
I said March 15 2018....that is 14 months after he took the chair, not a few months.
I said that the Elite Class would get him and run him out on a rail, but Trump turned out to have better skills then I expected, which is great for us.
trump's "skills" have involved appointing people loyal to himself, rather than to the welfare of this nation and a disinformation campaign that would make Joseph Goebells blush.
Yes, due to kidney surgery.Hahahaha! Yep, just the guy who wants to sit down and have a beer with you and listen to your problems.![]()
Damn, Malaria looks a LOT different now.
I know, right?! Just can't imagine the worship of an aloof being whose only interest in them is how they can be of benefit to His Eminence. Guess that explains the attraction of the evangelicals to the corrupt adulterer, false-witness-bearing Thief-in-Chief.
but he thinks you're a dick.....
With the elite class telling everyone what "working with Trump" will be charged with career death Trump had no choice but to actively work to find people who will not obey the demands of the seditious Elite Class.
You think Trump is a traitor to his class? Is that why he plays golf at his private club with millionaires? Is that why he has gold toilets?![]()
Well, he is the last Truth Teller, the Dolly Llama.Can you actually believe that someone is naive enough to believe such bullshit? Look at tRump's Cabinet. tRump is a 1%'er who has managed to convince the base that he is working for them.....lmao