trump cant win this: people will be in the streets

And? Do you? Clearly not...or you would not THREATEN to march, burn and destroy. You must consider the 2nd amendment and the reason it exists. It exists to defend the citizens of the United States against enemies both foreign and "DOMESTIC". And pointing out the fact that this RIGHT exists constitutes no physical threat....just a threat to your gross lack of intelligence. ;) ....a hypothetical point is only as valid one's ability to comprehend the point. That point being...the left is always attempting to write a check that its ass is incapable of cashing. As I said.....go for it...riot and burn your own cities to the ground but don't attempt to riot in the home towns of rural American's without expecting to pay the consequences for that act of stupidity. (: Bus'em in...carry'em out.
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And? Do you? Clearly not...or you would not THREATEN to march, burn and destroy. You must consider the 2nd amendment and the reason it exists. It exists to defend the citizens of the United States against enemies both foreign and "DOMESTIC". And pointing out the fact that this RIGHT exists constitutes no physical threat....just a threat to your gross lack of intelligence. ;) ....a hypothetical point is only as valid one's ability to comprehend the point. That point being...the left is always attempting to write a check that its ass is incapable of cashing. As I said.....go for it...riot and burn your own cities to the ground but don't attempt to riot in the home towns of rural American's without expecting to pay the consequences for that act of stupidity. (: Bus'em in...carry'em out.

peaceful marching is legal you unAmerican shit head

you tea tards and donnald attendees showed violence huh cockmouth
do you hear me idiot cons

the American people will take to the streets if trumpy makes headway in killing this investigation

remember the marches when he won?

the streets will be covered with Americans

No we will march against the Schumer shutdown on implemented by the DNC on behalf illegal aliens who they support over American citizens.
its not me idiot

the country is about to put your shits in prison

Um no you delusional fuck we are about to declassify the memo which proves conclusively that the deepstate left have been engaged in an attempt to subvert US democracy and has turned the FBI and DOJ into the KGB, we will literally see you scum hung in the public square for your attempted overthrow of the republic.
do you hear me idiot cons

the American people will take to the streets if trumpy makes headway in killing this investigation

remember the marches when he won?

the streets will be covered with Americans

The streets are already covered with Americans. Mostly homeless. Mostly in blue cities.