Trump claims US does not have ‘real elections,’ calls for paper ballots

The lies about our elections puts the future of America in serious jeopardy. That is one of the first steps a dictator uses to take over a country, Trump is dangerous to America.

I can't stop laughing at how sophomoric and simplistic your mind is

You admit to not liking Biden. You recognize that nobody really actually likes Biden

Yet here we go again, being saddled with the one guy that nobody likes, because otherwise we might be a dictatorship. so to prevent us becoming a dictatorship, we will just give people no options but Biden to vote for

that is an awesome democracy you got for us here Derpy Derpison
That's incorrect. You haven't the first clue what I would do to protect my grandchild. You're a loud mouth ignoramus who is too lazy to get off her fat ass to vote. You shouldn't be allowed to vote.

Another example of how you lie your little ass off each day. But, yes, I do get up to vote, must drop my ballot in the mail box. I am sure you vote by mail also.
yet here you are - living in a scenario where you get no choice but Biden

but you claim the elections are good. We have "real elections" and it's all good. derp derp

idiots like you are part of the problem and will never be part of the solution.

There are plenty of choices. Anybody but Trump.

I really don’t give a flying fuck how each party goes about fielding their own candidates. If they wish to use a system that chooses the shittiest possible candidate, that’s their business. They merely set themselves up for continual failure (Republicans) and, at some point, they may be smart enough to self correct.

Lastly, in your illiterate ignorance, you failed to understand my posts. I claimed the elections were VALID, Gizmo. Fraud not an issue.

What other hyperbolic bullshit do you have for us?
Another, in national elections, the anomaly of the electoral college can elect a president that the nation, as a whole, rejected. We’ve seen that too frequently in the last couple decades.

I fully agree, but we're a totally different nation without that unfortunate feature.
We wouldn't be The [Allegedly] United States of America anymore.
Our federal system was so fabricated purposely.

Our form of government was a bullshit idea from the beginning,
but most Americans, regardless of ideology,
think that it's blasphemy and sacrilegious to recognize that.

I have no fucking clue why.
Paper ballots are what mail-in are. So now Trump wants mail-ins.

Looks like he finally figured out that killing off all his voters with COVID then blocking them from voting could cost him an election. LOL

Note 65+ is the highest percentage in excuse, no excuse and permanent.

Here are the take-aways:

  1. There is very little demographic difference in the use of mail ballots.
  2. The one exception is related to age, where voters older than 65 are more likely to use them than younger voters. (Note that some states, even those that generally require an excuse to vote absentee, allow older voters to vote by mail without an excuse.)
  3. The lack of a major difference between demographic groups is contrary to some claims I have been hearing (and some I believed myself before running the numbers).
  4. Contrary to the claims of some, African Americans appear to be slightly more supportive of vote-by-mail reforms than whites.
  5. Despite being the demographic most likely to take advantage of voting by mail, the age group most in opposition to expanded voting by mail are those 65 and older. The relationship is strongest in non-vote-by-mail states.
  6. Voters in vote-by-mail states who return their mail ballots in person are more confident their votes were counted than those who mailed them back.
  7. Mail voters in vote-by-mail states are more confident their vote was counted as cast than mail voters in other states.
  8. There is still a substantial fraction of voters in vote-by-mail states that believe that all elections should not be held by mail.
The lies about our elections puts the future of America in serious jeopardy. That is one of the first steps a dictator uses to take over a country, Trump is dangerous to America.

Trump is not lying about elections. YOU are.
Trump is not and doesn't want to be a dictator. Obama and other Democrats do.

Do not project YOUR problems on others.
Our election system is secure.
Blatant lie.
With the rarest of exceptions, all votes are valid and made by eligible voters.
Blatant lie.
A couple of real problems, though. The continued effort by the right to suppress votes that would normally be associated with Democrats.
Blatent lie.
Another, in national elections, the anomaly of the electoral college can elect a president that the nation, as a whole, rejected. We’ve seen that too frequently in the last couple decades.

You cannot make the evidence of election fraud by Democrats just disappear, dude.
our system is a sham.

A two party system, yet we have gatekeepers that are making sure Biden has zero competition in his half of the two party system.

Someone as unpopular as Trump and Biden are actually insinuating no debates will occur

it's a sham - and if you disagree, you are a fucking idiot

There are a lot more than two parties.
You should be asking what's wrong with a mail in ballot? So many more people will vote with mail in ballots. But, you dont want that, you want fewer people voting, and with paper ballots, you will get far fewer people voting.

You are REALLY trying to deny history, aren't you??