Trump claims US does not have ‘real elections,’ calls for paper ballots

Let’s get one thing straight, Gizmo. The only reason Biden got my vote was because Trump was the opponent. ANYONE would have gotten my vote before Trump. So, fuck you on your hyperbolic and ill-conceived assumptions.

I always considered Biden nothing more than a place-holder president. But, if it comes down to Trump and him again, my vote will be the same.

You are not everyone. You are not even a majority.
First of all, sweet cheeks, the last elections with mail in ballots were completely fair and honest.
Blatant lie.
Secondly, you gotta get up with the times.
Not an advancement, dummy.
The Republican Party knows they made a very big mistake by telling people not to mail in ballots, but to come to the polls instead.
No mistake. It's THE LAW in many States.
As it turned out, many republicans didn't vote.
DEMOCRATS and election fraud prevented it, if anyone.
They have seen the light and will be encouraging their flock to use mail in ballots.
Blatant lie.
Why should anyone have to stand in long lines,
No lines.
or travel longer distances,
The local school is too far away??? Awwwwww...poor baby! WAAAAAAAAAAH!
or even be available on Election Day,
The local school is too far away??? WAAAAAAAAHHH!
when mail in ballots are quick and easy.
...and completely untraceable, AND ILLEGAL in most States. It's for a reason, dummy.
It was Repub secretaries of state who said the elections were fair and honest.
Blatant lie. Also, the executive branch of a State has no authority here. See the Constitution of the United States.
How stupid would it be for the Dems to cheat against Trumpy and let McConnel, Jordan, MTG, and other repubs win?
Pretty stupid, but you idiots tried anyway (and got caught at it!).
How would it work that only presidential parts of ballots were corrupted, but the rest of the ballot, that put the Repubs in charge of Congress were honest?
It wasn't only the vote for the electoral college that got corrupted, dumbass.
Have rightys any clues about how stupid a path they were taken on? Get off it.
Void conclusion.
Our elections are fair and honest.
Blatant lie.
We have a foolproof, simple system that has always been shown at almost zero fraudulent ballots.
Blatant lie.
And as we check the sections, those who vote for dead spouses are caught.
Blatant lie.
They are almost all Trump votes too.
Blatant lie.
Now Trump who says paper balots are not to be trusted, wants all paper ballots?
Contextomy fallacy.
Another example of how you lie your little ass off each day. But, yes, I do get up to vote, must drop my ballot in the mail box. I am sure you vote by mail also.

Unconstitutional in many States. It should be unconstitutional in all States.
I guess you haven't gotten the memo yet on election law reform happening in Florida.
There are plenty of choices. Anybody but Trump.

I really don’t give a flying fuck how each party goes about fielding their own candidates. If they wish to use a system that chooses the shittiest possible candidate, that’s their business. They merely set themselves up for continual failure (Republicans) and, at some point, they may be smart enough to self correct.

Lastly, in your illiterate ignorance, you failed to understand my posts. I claimed the elections were VALID, Gizmo. Fraud not an issue.

What other hyperbolic bullshit do you have for us?

There was no 2020 election. It faulted due to election fraud by Democrats. Election fraud by Democrats also caused several 2022 elections to fault.
A faulted election is not an election. It is not valid.
Looks like he finally figured out that killing off all his voters with COVID then blocking them from voting could cost him an election. LOL

Note 65+ is the highest percentage in excuse, no excuse and permanent.

Unconstitutional in many States. It should be unconstitutional in all States.
I guess you haven't gotten the memo yet on election law reform happening in Florida.

Mail in ballots are easy, safe, and practical.With all the audits your kind did after the last election, we are assured of its safety.
Could it be that republicans are now being encouraged to vote by mail? YES, YES, and YES.

Yes since they lost so many of the elderly voters who tend vote conservatively like the JPP Geezers.

Looks like he finally figured out that killing off all his voters with COVID then blocking them from voting could cost him an election. LOL

Note 65+ is the highest percentage in excuse, no excuse and permanent.
Here are the take-aways:

  1. There is very little demographic difference in the use of mail ballots.
  2. The one exception is related to age, where voters older than 65 are more likely to use them than younger voters. (Note that some states, even those that generally require an excuse to vote absentee, allow older voters to vote by mail without an excuse.)
  3. The lack of a major difference between demographic groups is contrary to some claims I have been hearing (and some I believed myself before running the numbers).
  4. Contrary to the claims of some, African Americans appear to be slightly more supportive of vote-by-mail reforms than whites.
  5. Despite being the demographic most likely to take advantage of voting by mail, the age group most in opposition to expanded voting by mail are those 65 and older. The relationship is strongest in non-vote-by-mail states.
  6. Voters in vote-by-mail states who return their mail ballots in person are more confident their votes were counted than those who mailed them back.
  7. Mail voters in vote-by-mail states are more confident their vote was counted as cast than mail voters in other states.
  8. There is still a substantial fraction of voters in vote-by-mail states that believe that all elections should not be held by mail.