Dutch Uncle
* Tertia Optio * Defend the Constitution
No. Im just pro tariffs.
Blindly like Trump even at the higher cost to American jobs, workers and businesses? Sad. Stupid, but still sad.
No. Im just pro tariffs.
Blindly like Trump even at the higher cost to American jobs, workers and businesses? Sad. Stupid, but still sad.
I believe he is wrong. IMO, Trump is proving he's gone over the edge.
No system is perfect, which is why there is an appeals process. I doubt the judge prejudged the case.
Since I refuse to vote for either Trump or Biden, I agree that neither should hold power and, as in 2020, I won't be voting for either one.
You and I can agree to disagree on how wrong Trump is in his actions.
no rebuttal.
you all know globalization is dum dum sauce.
Hah! You're a fucking tard. You're probably not even allowed to vote.
he's not allowed to handle sharp objects.Hah! You're a fucking tard. You're probably not even allowed to vote.
Former Trump Organization controller breaks down in tears at trial
Poor guy. He is about the size and weight of Trump himself and he broke down shaking and sobbing.
The web of people who have been jailed, financial ruined or mentally broken as part of Trump's various crime webs, is almost beyond count.
He is cleaning out the Deep State and those with criminal leanings, better than anyone preceded him.
The judge was never going to rule in Trump's favor. The trial is for nothing but show. That's been clear from the start of it, like it or not.
Facts are difficult things to withstand in trials. You must know Trump is a crook, and you do not care. From the start, the evidence was irrefutable. It still is.
dems are running a regime of political oppression.
The judge was never going to rule in Trump's favor. The trial is for nothing but show. That's been clear from the start of it, like it or not.
That is very much the norm in 'documents cases'.
And Trump had so much undenyable fraud over the years, all documented that the Judge was truly never going to rule in Trump's favor and yes we are just going thru the motions of getting everything on the court record. That is how it works when they have Trump org...
- stating a bunch of residential proprieties are not rent controlled so they can represent the value of the highest value properties in the region with no rent control
- stating a property value, comparing it to the top residential properties , when they have signed permanent encumbrance forever stating the property will never be developed for any uses that are not commercial and tying up much of the land in a historical trust
- Filing court actions to say the value of a property is too high, to reduce taxes paid, and then, the next day filing bank and Insurance forms saying it is worth 2000X more
- etc, etc, (judge has cited about 12 completely fraudulent filings over the years Trump has made)
So ya Terry you are correct, in the same way if a random crime murder is caught on video the trial is basically over before it begins, yes that is true too often of fraud document cases where the fraud, like Trumps was, is so clearly written in the doc's.
what undeniable trump fraud are you referring to?
Oh the list is long but it is kind of pointless to try and educate you in the same way no one can educate Marjorie Greene.
But here is just one to test if you are shown obvious fraud, if you have the capacity to understand it...
- Trump Tower penthouse apartment, was used in numerous bank filings claiming it was nearly three times its actual size and worth $327 million when neither was true
So do you accept that as a 'documented obvious fraud'?
This Biden?yes.
but it pales in comparison to biden selling the country to the chinese for peanuts, like a fucking idiot.
This Biden?
How many Magat hats have you bought supporting China and their companies?
How much money have Magats like you sent to china?[/SIZE]
stupid crap is something we can afford to let china make.
clawing back IMPORTANT sectors like food, drugs, munitions, tech, is something we should do, however.
how dumb are you?
Oh so suddenly you are ok with US Potus having secret bank accounts in China they lie about and their family, in their administration getting more rich off patents and relationships in China?
Are you aware China was only able to become the threat you fear by selling us, for decades all that "stupid crap"?
That is was that "stupid crap" they built their economy on and were able to then go after other areas?