The judge was never going to rule in Trump's favor. The trial is for nothing but show. That's been clear from the start of it, like it or not.

Poor silly you
The judge was never going to rule in Trump's favor. The trial is for nothing but show. That's been clear from the start of it, like it or not.
He wasn't talking to the judge. He was speaking to his Trumplestilskins and firing them up. He already lost this decision. It is now about determining what Donnie will pay.
He is supposed to want 123 people in his defense. That is just a way to drag it out.
The Goat.
He thinks his answers are so clever, he thinks he won and that they have grounds to appeal.
He’s comedy gold.
He doesn’t have a jury, he’s got a very experienced judge and prosecution team . He isn’t going to bore the judge, and he’s the only one who counts. The prosecution also gets to question the witness, it may not go the way the defense hopes.While I agree Trump was using the trial as a campaign stop, he was still deliberately antagonizing the same judge who is going to pass sentence on him.
He can do that but I think people will become bored of the repetitious bullshit that will be pushed by Team Crazy.
He doesn’t have a jury, he’s got a very experienced judge and prosecution team . He is t going to bore the judge, and he’s the only one who counts. The prosecution also gets to question the witness, it may not go the way the defense hopes.
Yes, he does try to make campaign speeches.Agreed. My point is that Trump is using this as a campaign speech. He knows he'll lose and appears to be striving for a maximum penalty so he can grieve this to his fans from now until Election 2024.
Yes, he does try to make campaign speeches.
I imagine he loves it to the extent it raises money for him.
Reports were that the Judge beseeched his attorneys to control him "if you can"... He apparently didn't answer the questions and just kept talking about what he wanted to regardless of what was asked.
^^^The judge in this case is effectively saying, If Trump won't simply answer the questions the way I want, I'll end his testimony...
Reports were that the Judge beseeched his attorneys to control him "if you can"... He apparently didn't answer the questions and just kept talking about what he wanted to regardless of what was asked.
Yes, and in his ramblings he admitted to being in charge of the valuations and to telling the tax assessor one thing while telling the banks the other.
He's in a Catch-22 of his own making. He can't keep saying he's fully in charge of his own corporation then plead ignorance that he doesn't understand how accounting works.
His mouth is his worst enemy and he doesn't realize it. Partly because his fans love it so much.So a great tactic is to just let him talk.
The judge in this case is effectively saying, If Trump won't simply answer the questions the way I want, I'll end his testimony...
It does make sense to just say what you will at this point. If you believe that nothing you say will change what the judge has already decided he'll do it makes sense that a man like Trump would go nuclear option and just say what he wants to say. Personally I'd take a page from Reagan and forget English except the sentences "I don't recall", "I'm not sure" and "Can you repeat that?".
None of this changes what I said there.Antagonizing the Judge who is going to pass sentence is an insane thing to do for anyone not running for political office.
None of this changes what I said there.
Disagreed since you assumed that the Judge was going to pass the maximum sentence. I wouldn't make that assumption.
The judge in this case is effectively saying, If Trump won't simply answer the questions the way I want, I'll end his testimony...