Trump confesses on the stand.

Was it better that Trump left his classified documents in a public bathroom? Or that he showed them to his friends, who later discussed them with others?

Your fake media has you brainwashed. Public bathroom? Showed them to friends? Discussed with others? I say you are brainwashed crazy with TDS.
I care about the facts and evidence, that is how I can see Trump is guilty.

Trump is "guilty" of being an enemy of your Reich. You care about nothing other than your party.

I am convinced in the classified documents case and the Georgia RICO case, not convinced in the Washington D.C. and NYC cases, but I have not seen much evidence in those cases.

RICO is a federal statute. You really should take an introductory law class.

Soros has no authority to bring federal charges at the county level.
trump is too ignorant to even realize that he played right into the D.A's trap yesterday.

It even took the judge the entire morning to figure out the ploy.

Well played, NYC. Well played.

I noticed. Basically they just gave Trump all the rope he wanted and he confessed to almost everything.

You said he was determined guilty before the trial, and the Stalinist Show Trial is just to convince the public that the rape of Trump's assets is justified.

Yes, what you post is laughably ignorant.

But since MSNBC programmed you that "twump confessed" then the show trial must be over and Herr Comrade EnGöring will send Emanual Goldstein to Siberia, nyet?

LOL - such clownery from you.
You said he was determined guilty before the trial, and the Stalinist Show Trial is just to convince the public that the rape of Trump's assets is justified.

Yes, what you post is laughably ignorant.

But since MSNBC programmed you that "twump confessed" then the show trial must be over and Herr Comrade EnGöring will send Emanual Goldstein to Siberia, nyet?

LOL - such clownery from you.

In a civil case, this is a civil case, if you lose summary judgement, you lose before Trial.
A good judge will put aside the antagonizing,

But EnGöring isn't a good judge, he's a corrupt pile of shit.

but not the deflection and obfuscation. Refusal to answer a question generally leads to an assumption by the jury/judge that the worst is true.

There is no jury, that fraud EnGöring along with Soros thug James denied Trump his constitutional right to trial by Jury.
He pretty much admitted that the documents he had signed had false data on them,

Uh no, nothing of the sort.

Floridafan, this is the sort of lying PMP is talking about. You Marxists ALWAYS, ALWAYS lie when you reference Emanual Goldstein. Jarod lied in the title of his OP, and every Reich-drone has lied since.

But you don't actually view it as lying, do you? I mean, "truth" is that which serves the party. Anything which furthers the objectives of your Reich is "true" even if you just made it up, as ThatOwlCoward did.
Case closed. He is done. I don't know if he realized he lost and figured he was going out in a blaze of "glory" or if he is so delusional he simply went in and admitted to the charged.

If was as close as real life can get to the scene in "A Few Good Men", Trump was desperate to admit what he did even if it means loss of his fortune and Company.

Yes, you lied, owl lied in response - you have a fascist quorum. Nothing else is needed, the enemy of your Reich is guilty - of being an enemy of your Reich.
In a civil case, this is a civil case, if you lose summary judgement, you lose before Trial.


First off, the only thing EnGöring made a summary judgement on was the valuation of Mar-A-Lago, which he did in order to tamper with the proceedings. After all, a legitimate appraisal of Trump's assets makes the case by EnGöring and James collapse. In an actual summary judgement, there is no trial, not even the farce of a bench trial by this corrupt pile of shit.

You have beclowned yourself beyond redemption.

Trump has not been found liable of anything, yet. But we know EnGöring is utterly corrupt so he will rule in favor of the party. He will also be eviscerated on appeal.
Can you prove my comments were incorrect?

Not "incorrect," flat out lies.

There is no allegation that Trump had documents in a "public restroom." You lied because you needed to smear the enemy of your Reich. To you that isn't a problem, because you're serving the Reich, and anything done in service to the Reich is good.
Just how do you know this man isn't a good judge? Because you disagree?

He has a long history. Further, that he denied constitutionally guaranteed civil rights to someone in his court - even an enemy of the Reich - makes him a bad judge.

He swore to uphold the Constitution, an oath he has obviously broken. I get it, the only real oath he is bound by is to serve the party. But as for a judge under our Constitutional Republic - he is corrupt - tainted - a fraud.
Not "incorrect," flat out lies.

There is no allegation that Trump had documents in a "public restroom." You lied because you needed to smear the enemy of your Reich. To you that isn't a problem, because you're serving the Reich, and anything done in service to the Reich is good.

There are many photos of those documents in a bathroom.
He has a long history. Further, that he denied constitutionally guaranteed civil rights to someone in his court - even an enemy of the Reich - makes him a bad judge.

He swore to uphold the Constitution, an oath he has obviously broken. I get it, the only real oath he is bound by is to serve the party. But as for a judge under our Constitutional Republic - he is corrupt - tainted - a fraud.

Just what civil rights were denied.
Tell us about this supposed "long history" of this judge.

You dont know what you are spewing, as usual