Trump considers Obama for SCOTUS

Then you should stop doing that, boy. I bet you're the kind that thinks using your left hand instead of your right means you got some strange. Are all those blisters on your palms why you wear gloves regularly?

Finished fucking your cousin or just taking a break?
My neighbours have cats! Both my sons have 1st class degrees in computer science, which trumps your degree in public toilet administration.

What a sad, sad display. You sound like Don trying to convince everyone how smart he is, how good his memory is, but then we can all watch what he does and hear the feckless tripe that comes out of his mouth.
She pays for herself, has a share in a bespoke tailoring business, and recently joined forces with a woman who makes very expensive designer handbags, jackets and belts for rich bitches. If you want a bespoke bag they start at around a grand.

Translation: She spends a lot of time in the arts & crafts section of the women's rehabilitation center learning leathercraft.