Trump demands termination of the Constitution

What amendment(s) would you support if possible?
Term limits for Congress; 3 terms for Senators, make Reps four year terms and limit them to four terms.

I'd also like to see election and immigration reforms.

I'd like to see election season reduced, two months would be nice. I'd like to see more oversight on out-of-state money funding local and state elections and legislation.

For immigration, easier access to work visas, more oversight of visas and jail terms for employers, renters and others who support illegal immigrants.
Term limits for Congress; 3 terms for Senators, make Reps four year terms and limit them to four terms.

I'd also like to see election and immigration reforms.

I'd like to see election season reduced, two months would be nice. I'd like to see more oversight on out-of-state money funding local and state elections and legislation.

For immigration, easier access to work visas, more oversight of visas and jail terms for employers, renters and others who support illegal immigrants.

Other than term limits, I think those other issues should be statutory rather than constitutional since they would need to be periodically modified.

Without checking the numbers, I think your term limits are longer than current average length of time most members serve.
Other than term limits, I think those other issues should be statutory rather than constitutional since they would need to be periodically modified.

Without checking the numbers, I think your term limits are longer than current average length of time most members serve.

Judging by the results, there's a lot of geezers in Congress. While it's true Trump ran off the Old Guard on the Republican side, I'd like to see the current stats per party.
In the House of Representatives, there are 223Democrats (including 4Delegates), 215
Republicans (including 1Delegate and the Resident Commissioner of Puerto Rico), and 3vacantseats. The Senate has 50
Republicans, 48Democrats, and 2Independents, who both caucus with the Democrats. Additionally,
 The average age of Members of the House at the beginning of the 117th Congress was 58.4 years; of
Senators, 64.3 years.
 The overwhelming majority, 96%, ofMembers of Congress have a college education.
 The dominant professions of Members are public service/politics, business, and law.
 Most Members identify as Christians, and the collective majority of these affiliate with a Protestant
denomination. Roman Catholics account for the largest single religious denomination, and numerous other
affiliations are represented, including Jewish, Mormon, Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu, Greek Orthodox,
Pentecostal Christian, Unitarian Universalist, and Adventist.
 The average length of service for Representatives at the beginning of the 117thCongress was 8.9 years (4.5
House terms); for Senators, 11.0 years (1.8 Senate terms).
 One hundred fifty-one women serve in the 117th Congress: 127 in the House, including 3Delegates and the
Resident Commissioner, and 24 in the Senate.
 There are 57 African American Members of the House and 3 in the Senate. This House number includes
two Delegates.
 There are 52 Hispanic or Latino Members serving: 46in the House, including 2Delegates and the Resident
Commissioner, and 7 in the Senate.
 There are 21 Members (16Representatives, 3 Delegates, and 2 Senators) who are Asian Americans or
Pacific Islander Americans.
 A record six Native Americans (American Indians, Alaska Natives, or Native Hawaiians) serve in the
Term limits for Congress; 3 terms for Senators, make Reps four year terms and limit them to four terms.

I'd also like to see election and immigration reforms.

I'd like to see election season reduced, two months would be nice. I'd like to see more oversight on out-of-state money funding local and state elections and legislation.

For immigration, easier access to work visas, more oversight of visas and jail terms for employers, renters and others who support illegal immigrants.

A shorter election season is not going to happen. It is the TV and radio industries that profit from elections. It is also papers. They get lots of candidate ads that line their pockets. TV has lots of people tuned into political discussions. Money doesn't talk,it swears.
A shorter election season is not going to happen. It is the TV and radio industries that profit from elections. It is also papers. They get lots of candidate ads that line their pockets. TV has lots of people tuned into political discussions. Money doesn't talk,it swears.

Not without bipartisan support and, as you point out, there's too much money to be made being partisan.
We have term limits. If you do not like your congressman, vote them out. Problem solved. You want a law to stop you from voting for your preferred congressman. Why?
why isn't the left concerned with the fact they tossed out the constitution when they violated the election laws established by state legislators?.....