Trump dumping on veterans, again

“White House firings hit vets”

“The Trump administration's big cuts to the federal government are hitting one group particularly hard — the country's veterans.”

“Last year veterans made up 28% of the federal workforce, a far bigger share than the 5% in the private sector. About 36% of the vets working in civil service, more than 200,000 in total, are disabled or have a serious health condition”

“Privately, GOP lawmakers are growing uneasy with cuts that impact veterans, Politico reports, adding that vets have been disproportionately affected" by the firings.”

What the hell does he care, their all “suckers” in his view anyway

Welcome to MAGA America
Hopefully the MAGA vets will realize what is happening and wake up to all this de-funding of the VA and other programs VETS need.
But I don't think they will they don't seem smart enough.
There you go dumbass, insult the people willing to defend your right to be such a dumbass. That's the libtard way. lol You're all a bunch of bitter sore losers and watching you idiot flailing around singing songs with shaved heads has got to be one of the best parts of my days.

Wait.... did I just hear 76% agree with what DOGE is doing? Wow, you morons are the last of the holdouts. I'll be right back.
But no company does it injudiciously, they evaluate and weigh the employees value to the company before cutting them
Oh yes, injudiciously is a terrible way to do it. You know, if Elon had more dumbasses like you advising him, maybe he would've been more successful. Too bad for him he won't see your brilliant comment, he could really use it.
Doing it indiscriminately isn’t worth it, Trump/Musk could just as possibly cutting the best most productive employees with their chain saw approach
Yes, yes, wrong approach Elon, he'd be wise to take a different and more discriminant approach, yes, yes, he certainly would. He should be judicious with his approach. For example, maybe he could ask them to give 5 bullet points summarizing what they accomplished in the last week. Hmmm,

That could be quite advantageous because he could start to get a better picture of their value, you see. He would know right away if they're alive for example, and do they know what they're supposed to be doing, or did they even show up or where they at a different job or perhaps in a different Country?? Oh if you or I were advising him, there'd be no stopping that guy, he get rich for sure.
When they apply for government jobs, they get them. They get bonuses on the application. President Musk is deleting veterans from their jobs.
WTF That's a brilliant couple of sentences there. REALLY good point. I tell ya, you guys are on to something here. If you could get this thinking to the libtard strategists, they could claw 10 or 20 points back. (they'd almost be in the majority. lol)

No, really, the whole Trump administration hates vets and is firing thousands of them is a very doable narrative. I hope this and the whole 'save the corruption and waste' campaign pays dividends. lol You'll need dividends when your government job gets axed.

I've written a song you can have for the protests. I started out with the tune Jesus Love Me, but the chorus is my own tune, I'm sure you can find a workable melody for it:

Oh, Trumpy hates our vets, it’s true,
He fires them all, boo-hoo-boo-hoo!
With a wave of his hand, they’re out the door,
“Take your medals and march no more!”

Sing tra-la-la, let’s save the waste,
Piles of cash in every place!
Excess spending’s our delight,
Big Bird in Baghdad feels so right!

Oscar the Grouch in a tank, oh my,
Cookie Monster bombing cookie supply!
No one’s mad, it’s not a crime,
To waste it all in wartime rhyme!

I don't know, I think I've got something here. I have another verse or two in me, maybe later.
When they apply for government jobs, they get them. They get bonuses on the application. President Musk is deleting veterans from their jobs.

Oh, Trumpy hates our vets, it’s true,
He fires them all, boo-hoo-boo-hoo!
With a wave of his hand, they’re out the door,
“Take your medals and march no more!”

Sing tra-la-la, let’s save the waste,
Piles of cash in every place!
Excess spending’s our delight,
Big Bird in Baghdad feels so right!

Oscar the Grouch in a tank, oh my,
Cookie Monster bombing cookie supply!
No one’s mad, it’s not a crime,
To waste it all in wartime rhyme!

I don't know, I think I've got something here. I have another verse or two in me, maybe later.
Most of the people let go so far have been on the job less than a year and are probationary.

From what I've heard, most of those jobs have a two-year probation period. This has nothing to do with the arbitrariness of the terminations or the fact it is an attack on vets.

Trump: Draft-Dodger.

Musk: Foreigner.

Percentage of US citizens who are veterans: 6.2% A number that is declining as Vietnam vets/draftees die off.

Anyone on active duty circa 1995-1998, as I was, might remember the great clinton fat boy purge. Thousands of talented troops ranging from a few pounds to mildly obese, were shuttled out of the service in the name of reducing the bloated government. I knew people with almost 20 years in starving themselves to make it to retirement. All so slick willy could say he had reduced the federal workforce.

My last weigh-in, I was 4 pounds over. I was ominously told I had 4 weeks to lose that tonnage, or I would be processed for discharge. I went upstairs, printed out the retirement request I had saved, and walked ashore a few months before 9/11. After 9/11, a lot of my fat boy buddies got requested to come back on active duty (I volunteered, but I guess they had enough... their loss!).

Fast forward to 2020, a pandemic, unemployment skyrockets, military recruitment in the toilet, an imbecile gets elected president and what does he do? Unbelievable unemployment numbers! Don't look too close though! Because most of those were federal hires, and I'm sure some of them were veterans. Lots of guys who refused the jab getting asked to come back too!

The American soldier, eternally getting jerked around by politicians.