Trump dumping on veterans, again

... even though nothing in the federal govt. has negatively affected you in the slightest in the last few decades. It needs to change because Fox and Trump told you so!

Well, honey, it will if this keeps up. And you won't like it.
A phrase soon to be more commonly used: “I voted for Donald Trump. But this is not what I was expecting”.

Even though I like Chancellor Musk's quote below, the one above will be the one most American voters will remember.

"some of the things that I say will be incorrect"
Anyone on active duty circa 1995-1998, as I was, might remember the great clinton fat boy purge. Thousands of talented troops ranging from a few pounds to mildly obese, were shuttled out of the service in the name of reducing the bloated government. I knew people with almost 20 years in starving themselves to make it to retirement. All so slick willy could say he had reduced the federal workforce.

My last weigh-in, I was 4 pounds over. I was ominously told I had 4 weeks to lose that tonnage, or I would be processed for discharge. I went upstairs, printed out the retirement request I had saved, and walked ashore a few months before 9/11. After 9/11, a lot of my fat boy buddies got requested to come back on active duty (I volunteered, but I guess they had enough... their loss!).

Fast forward to 2020, a pandemic, unemployment skyrockets, military recruitment in the toilet, an imbecile gets elected president and what does he do? Unbelievable unemployment numbers! Don't look too close though! Because most of those were federal hires, and I'm sure some of them were veterans. Lots of guys who refused the jab getting asked to come back too!

The American soldier, eternally getting jerked around by politicians.
It began with the end of the Cold War. The Democrats went bananas trying to turn "guns into butter". I was part of that purge but stayed in the Reserves to finish out my 21 years and retired in 1998. After 9/11 I tried to go back in , but they didn't need older guys.

I think our nation hurt itself by eliminating the draft. Serving one's country, even in the Peace Corps or some other non-military group, would not only show more Americans how good we have it in the US, but dissolve the wall of "Us vs. Them" that has built up since the draft ended. Especially after the Cold War ended.