Trump forgets who he is running against!

I immediately cited Trump's slashing of suffocating regulations

Which caused a manufacturing recession in 2019. Also, which caused the markets to grow at their slowest rate since 2008. Also, he ended Obama's streak of monthly job creation. ALL BEFORE COVID.

to bring gasoline down to under $2.00/gallon when you first asked for an example. You abruptly changed the subject.
Gas was only below $2/gal for just April & May 2020., and that was because the pandemic sapped demand.

That was it. It never got below $2/gallon again and by the time Trump left office it was up to $2.33/gallon.
... like some people down the street, for starters.
So no one. So you're lying. You're creating stories to bring attention to something that isn't actually a problem, hence why you have to lie about it.

You all do it make up shit about yourself, about others, about anything because your imagination is the only place where you're ever right.

This doesn't prove any of those companies are Chinese, just that they import from China.

You said that there were "Chinese Importing Companies" in the US but you can't seem to name a single one and all you can do is post links that don't support your argument that US-based importing companies are owned by China.

You lied because you don't know anything about this, so you have to create stories.
Trump might have started the program, but Democrats put countless businesses out of business just to drive up negatives.

But that's not true because the purpose of PPP was to keep all those workers employed and all those businesses open through the end of June 2020.

You're saying they didn't, which means PPP was a failure. ANOTHER FAILED TRUMP POLICY.

BTW - we were already in a recession by the time the lockdowns were ordered because Conservatives are terrible for the economy and always end up destroying it. ALWAYS.
Give me an example of something Trump in his official capacity as President that failed
Signing the 2017 Russia Tax Cut into law that ended up causing an end to the record streak of job creation that started with Obama, a manufacturing recession, a decline in business investment, $2.5T of debt with nothing to show for it, and a total economic recession that started February 2020, a month before any COVID lockdowns (there's that pesky linear time thing again).
Give me an example of something Trump in his official capacity as President that failed, not because it was sabotaged by others but because it was a bad idea.

Trump's tariffs. They failed to change one iota of China's trade policies, and ended up costing taxpayers $30B - again, with nothing to show for them.

China paid nothing. We did.
I'll give you a do-over. How is wanting to make America great again somehow a cult.

Every single thing Trump did FAILED.

Every. Single. Thing.

His tax cuts caused a recession.

His tariffs caused a $30B bailout of farmer trash.

His deal with the Taliban left Afghanistan in ruins.

He called Nazis "very fine people".

He called COVID a hoax.

All of that is why Trump lost in 2020 and why he will lose again in 2024.