Trump forgets who he is running against!

Regardless of what importing company pays the tariff, those costs will always end up on the consumer in the end.
Those costs are not paid if domestic goods are purchased instead.

Also, any major retailer in the US, like Walmart, Target, Amazon...they all have their own import companies.
They also buy goods from others. The bottom line is that most of the importing companies are foreign owned.

Those import companies pay the same tariff your mysterious, as-yet-to-be-named Chinese companies do here.
They aren't only Chinese companies, as I have mentioned, but those Chinese companies pay tariffs that represent China. Remember, you are the one who mistakenly assumed that "China" meant the Chinese government.

... and Trump is going to win by a landslide. You haven't mentioned how you are going to celebrated when he does.
This was your chance to prove me wrong by citing a single policy success of Trump
We've been over this. I immediately cited Trump's slashing of suffocating regulations to bring gasoline down to under $2.00/gallon when you first asked for an example. You abruptly changed the subject.
How'd that trump debate performance go?
Wrong question.

Correct Question: How was Kriminala finally able to clarify all of her policy positions to We the People?

Oooops, she failed. That really was her only chance. She's finished.

I didn't actually watch it
I created a thread here on JPP for the "Play-by-Play" of the debate as it unfolded. It did not go well for Kriminala.

but I did read that he screamed about eating dogs and cats for some reason.
I'm sure you rushed to read leftist disinformation, i.e. that immediately declared Kriminala the "winner" and that simply mocked Trump. The truth is that Kriminala was pandering to her base of petty, undereducated juveniles by behaving as a petulent child. It really was painful to watch.

The main thing you missed was the well-oiled teamwork of the moderators on Kriminala's behalf. Many Americans switched over to supporting Trump as a result of the egregious unfairness. Trump was debating three people, not just Kriminala.

If you had watched the debate in its entirety, you'd be agreeing with me on Trump's imminent landslide victory.
Nope. It cannot. Put the pronouns down and step back from the grammar.
You know about as much grammar as you used to know about tariffs before I had to educate and correct you.

Yes, it can and it has been used in the singular. For instance:

There's not a man I meet but doth salute me
As if I were their well-acquainted friend
-William Shakespeare, Comedy of Errors, 1594

A person can't help their birth.
-Jane Austen, Vanity Fair, 1848

Also, in Marry Shelley's Frankenstein, she doesn't assign the monster a gender, referring to the monster as "they" or "it".

The Oxford English dictionary traces singular they back to 1375, where it appears in the medieval romance William and the Werewolf.
If you need me to review tariffs for you, let me know.
Earlier in this thread, you actually said that China was paying the tariffs.

You didn't know that importers paid the tariffs and that major retailers have their own importing businesses that you just taxed.

Then you tried to shift the goalposts to say that it's "Chinese importing companies in the US" who pay the tariff, but you can't name a single one of those companies much less prove they are owned by China.
It was obvious that you didn't think anyone imported Chinese goods into the US, then you shifted to only domestic companies import goods.
That's what you said earlier in this thread you fucking idiot.

Then you shifted your argument to include ambiguous Chinese US-based Importers, but you can't name a single one or show how they're owned by China.

Admit it, you just ran your mouth and you hoped no one would check your work.
Wrong question.

Correct Question: How was Kriminala finally able to clarify all of her policy positions to We the People?

Oooops, she failed. That really was her only chance. She's finished.
By all accounts Harris whooped Trump in that debate, and all her policy positions are up on her website, just like how Trump's policy positions are all in Project 2025.