Trump forgets who he is running against!

Right, you didn't know.

You thought that China was like, writing a check and that was what paying a tariff is.

Then I had to tell you that China didn't pay anything because importers are who pays the tariffs.

Then you shifted your argument to say that it's "Chinese import companies" who are paying the tariffs, but you can't name any of these companies or show how they're owned by China.

In fact, most of the import companies in the US are privately owned by Americans or are corporations that are traded on the stock market. Like Walmart, for instance. A company that has its own import business called Walmart Direct Import. That's who is paying the American company...who then pushes those tariff costs onto consumers. And that's why you're a fucking idiot.

You know less than nothing about this because you are a stupid person.
Nope. Until I taught you, you didn't understand how importers work, assuming that all importers are domestic companies, and not realizing that most, but not all, are foreign companies.

Second, you didn't realize that the higher prices paid by consumers for foreign goods was one of the protectionist effects of tariffs, i.e. motivate the purchase of domestic products.

Third, you didn't realize that when China "paid tariffs" that it referred to the commercial chinese companies and not the Chinese government.

Everything you are saying here is wrong.

Completely fucking wrong. This is why you lost the Trade War and why we had to waste $30B of taxpayer money. YOUR FUCKING IGNORANCE.

You thought that the country of China was paying tariffs on goods they were also somehow IMPORTING IN THE US?

Name one Chinese owned US-based importing business that does scaled business with US retailers. JUST ONE.
at was you. I very clearly specified "China" as the country/nation (to include companies) and you gave me grief because you misunderstood the entire situation.

No, it was pretty obvious that you thought China paid a tariff on everything they exported to the US.

You had to shift your argument to ambiguous Chinese importing businesses(?), of which you can't name one.

But here's the thing idiot, it doesn't matter who owns the importing companies because those companies pass their costs onto the retailers who pass those costs onto consumers. And that's why you're a fucking idiot.

In retaliation for such an aggressively stupid move, China played US soybean farmers against their own interests, despite every sane person's warning that Conservatives are fucking stupid. So that's why we had to fork out $30B. to fix another fucking mistake you idiots made because you're fucking stupid.
I very clearly specified "China" as the country/nation (to include companies)


Tell me something, let's say for the sake of your really wrong and dumb argument that there are Chinese-owned US importers who have scaled their business, and those companies are the ones paying the tariff. Upon whom do you think those importing companies would pass their costs?

I'll just tell you because you don't know...RETAILERS.

So regardless of who owns the importing company, consumers will always end up paying the costs of tariffs in the end. ALWAYS. And that's why you're a fucking idiot.

So now comes the part where you have to show one of these companies paying the tariff while not passing the costs of those tariffs onto the retailers to whom they distribute, and then you also need to account for the fact that the retailers will pass their costs onto consumers, as is the way.
Take a "do over." Redo your post and think about it before you craft it. Decide, in advance, what point you wish to make, then base your post around that.
This sounds like the internal dialogue going on in your head.

You think that by shifting the goalposts, that saves your argument but it doesn't and here's how:

Regardless of what importing company pays the tariff, those costs will always end up on the consumer in the end.

Also, any major retailer in the US, like Walmart, Target, Amazon...they all have their own import companies. Those import companies pay the same tariff your mysterious, as-yet-to-be-named Chinese companies do here. So again, you're a fucking idiot because all imports from China have the tariff, which is then on the importer who is also the retailer in many if not most you're just adding a % tax to consumers because you're a fucking idiot who doesn't know how tariffs work and DEFINITELY doesn't know how international trade works either.
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re you insisting that they withheld business loans so as to optimize business failures and public dependence upon the Federal government?

Trump signed PPP into law on 4/24/20, the first loans were issued in May 2020 and they were forgiven in 2020:

PPP was a conservative grift if all these businesses supposedly closed.
Are you insisting that Biden and Harris totally botched yet another program?
I'm insisting that you're a fucking idiot who doesn't know how linear time works.

PPP was signed into law 4/24/20...who was President 4/24/20?

The first PPP "loans" were issued 5/1/20...who was President 5/1/20?

PPP Loans were forgiven 6/5/20....who was President 6/5/20?