Trump forgets who he is running against!

I have already answered this question. They COVID hype was entirely a hoax. COVID existed. The hype and all the generated fear and panic for the government to seize greater control was pure scam.
So the "hype" of COVID in 2020 caused a manufacturing recession in 2019?
So explain to me how Biden totally botched this one too.

He didn't. Biden had nothing to do with PPP.

PPP was a part of the CARES Act, which was passed into law 3/27/20.

The first PPP loans were issued 4/3/20.

On 4/24/20, the end date for PPP loans was extended to 6/30/20.

Then on 6/5/20, almost all PPP loans were forgiven.

We were told the point of PPP was to keep businesses open by paying the paychecks of the workers through June 30, 2020. You're saying it didn't. So it was a policy that failed.
The DNC was already using the COVID scam to get Trump out of office with bad numbers and a low approval rating.
But we are talking about a manufacturing recession that happened before 2020. Before 2020, there were no US cases of COVID.

So something else caused a manufacturing recession in 2019, and it probably had something to do with all those "deregulations" or that impulsively stupid Trade War you lost.
Invalid. You don't get to declare unknown future statements as "lies."
This was your chance to prove me wrong by citing a single policy success of Trump and then defending that example using empirical data instead of running away like a coward...oh right...

You know how I know anything you try to say is a lie? Because Trump had nothing but failures.
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