Trump forgets who he is running against!

If you'll recall, he concluded with stating that anyone defacing statues or monuments should be fined $10,000

Well the Nazis weren't the ones who were trying to take them down or destroy them. So you're saying Trump was on the Nazis' side. Which is what I've been saying that you've been disagreeing with.
What a fucking idiot. You people are so fucking stupid. Foreign corporations aren't us. Do you need this explained to you?
First of all, until this thread you had no idea how tariffs worked. You actually thought that the country's government, from where goods are coming, are paying our government in tariffs for the privilege to sell their shit in our country.

That's what you thought tariffs were.

Now you're scrambling because you just got exposed as an ignorant tool, running your fat, stupid fucking mouth about things of which you know nothing.

This is why Conservative policy always fails. Always. Always. ALWAYS. Conservative policy always fails because stupid people are never going to have good ideas.
First of all, until this thread you had no idea how tariffs worked. You actually thought that the country's government, from where goods are coming, are paying our government in tariffs for the privilege to sell their shit in our country.

That's what you thought tariffs were.

Now you're scrambling because you just got exposed as an ignorant tool, running your fat, stupid fucking mouth about things of which you know nothing.

This is why Conservative policy always fails. Always. Always. ALWAYS. Conservative policy always fails because stupid people are never going to have good ideas.
And a go fuck your cat to you
No, he was literally talking about the people there. So who was there on the Nazis' side of the debate who weren't Nazis?
Nope. You simply weren't paying attention at the time. I was. "The debate" was what to do about monuments.

Just remain in your seat and I'll tell you what you need to know.
First of all, until this thread you had no idea how tariffs worked.
Nope. Until I taught you, you didn't understand how importers work, assuming that all importers are domestic companies, and not realizing that most, but not all, are foreign companies.

Second, you didn't realize that the higher prices paid by consumers for foreign goods was one of the protectionist effects of tariffs, i.e. motivate the purchase of domestic products.

Third, you didn't realize that when China "paid tariffs" that it referred to the commercial chinese companies and not the Chinese government.

You actually thought that the country's government, from where goods are coming, are paying our government in tariffs
That was you. I very clearly specified "China" as the country/nation (to include companies) and you gave me grief because you misunderstood the entire situation.

... and, as usual, you have no point. You once again are adding no value.

Take a "do over." Redo your post and think about it before you craft it. Decide, in advance, what point you wish to make, then base your post around that.
But PPP was supposed to prevent that. So it didn't? So another Trump policy failed.
The administration of PPP was all Biden/Harris. Are you insisting that they withheld business loans so as to optimize business failures and public dependence upon the Federal government? Are you insisting that Biden and Harris totally botched yet another program?