Trump forgets who he is running against!

That proved to be a big mistake because the deaths started to shift to Conservatives and red states by 2021, which is why Conservatives lost races like the AZ AG and AZ Gov.
You're wrong on that. Arizona has long been a purple state. We've shifted between Republican and Democrat governors and such regularly. The last, previous, Democrat governor was Janet "Nappy" Napolitano. She was so bad that it got Doug Ducey elected. Everybody hated Napolitano. She even left the state after her term and moved to California...

We have Leftists, even radical Leftists, in congressional seats like Gallego (and previously Sinema), and the radical Socialist Raul Grijalva. So, that election was nothing new or special.
Now, all we need is for you to bone up as well and we'll make a go at an intelligent conversation that isn't completely one-sided, i.e. with me teaching you everything there is to know about it.

Every single time you say something like this, you end up undermining yourself immediately thereafter:

Nope. Read the Constitution PLEASE! Right now you are just wasting my time.

You're the one who just said you've read it so why won't you deal with the General Welfare clause?
You're wrong on that. Arizona has long been a purple state. We've shifted between Republican and Democrat governors and such regularly. The last, previous, Democrat governor was Janet "Nappy" Napolitano. She was so bad that it got Doug Ducey elected. Everybody hated Napolitano. She even left the state after her term and moved to California...

We have Leftists, even radical Leftists, in congressional seats like Gallego (and previously Sinema), and the radical Socialist Raul Grijalva. So, that election was nothing new or special.

Well, it's not a purple state anymore. And aside from 1996 when Clinton won it, it went Republican in every Presidential election until 2020. And then in 2022, Dems eked out very, very narrow victories in statewide races...every single one of them, actually. I don't believe that any Republicans won statewide offices in 2022, or if they did they were minor ones.
Grammar Nazi: "a little ficking bitch" is a singular and requires the posesive pronoun "her", not "their."

LMAO! I was calling you a little fucking bitch.

You, personally.

I said "their" because I respect your pronouns and wouldn't presume that you're someone you're not.
All erroneous. At least you made that easy.
I;ve been saying this shit for years, and none of you clowns has ever been able to defend any part of the Trump Administration.

What always happens is that you say something dumb, and then I come along and post a bunch of links and facts, and then you regress into your primary education in order to reduce everything to its most simplistic level because that way, no one will ever know you're a fucking joke.
Nope. December 2019 we were kicking into COVID-19, which is why we called it COVID-19.

No, it's called COVID-19 because that's the year it was first identified.

The first US cases weren't until January 2020, and then it still took two months of you and Trump calling it a hoax before any lockdown was ordered.

There is no way in hell the 2020 COVID pandemic caused a manufacturing recession in 2019 because that's not how linear time works.
Trump is going to win just as he did in 2020. If the DNC cannot steal this election as well, they have no prayer of winning legitimately.

You didn't want to end up in jail -or worse- over such a stupid lie....that's your cowardice.

To allege something as serious as a stolen election is to have those convictions to do something about it if you truly believe it.
You didn't want to end up in jail -or worse- over such a stupid lie....that's your cowardice.

To allege something as serious as a stolen election is to have those convictions to do something about it if you truly believe it.
The number of people jailed for wrongthink is about to explode here just as it is in Briton, where violent offenders and sex offenders are being removed from prisons to make room for political prisoners.
The number of people jailed for wrongthink is about to explode here just as it is in Briton, where violent offenders and sex offenders are being removed from prisons to make room for political prisoners.

What is "Wrongthink?" What does that mean?

Is it like, "Geez, can't an unscrupulous guy just say inciteful lies and not be held to account for it"?