Trump forgets who he is running against!

We're done on this until you read the Constitution. You are objecvtively in error.

Be honest: You've never once read the Constitution in your entire fucking life.

The part of the Constitution that federal response to a pandemic falls under is literally the general welfare provide for the general welfare and common defence. That means against viruses and diseases too because diseases and viruses don't recognize the sovereignty of state borders.

You idiot.
Trump made America great again
Trump caused the loss of 300,000 jobs before a single COVID patient got sick.

Trump had the slowest market growth since 2008.

Trump lost 30 million jobs because he was stupid.

Trump added $8T to the debt with nothing to show for it.

Trump is the worst President we've ever had and we were lucky to survive him, which many people didn't.

I look forward to you riling up Nazis again this November for the simple fact that they will try another 1/6 the exact same way except this time the DC Police and National Guard will have the option to open fire.
When did the COVID-19 hoax begin?
The pandemic started in January 2020. The first lockdowns that you blame Democrats for ruining the economy in the US weren't ordered until March 2020.

Manufacturing was in a recession for all of 2019.

Do you understand how linear time works?
When did the COVID-19 hoax begin?

I knew you were going to get this reductive and try to parlay your bullshit by retconning it.

The COVID-19 virus was first detected in November 2019, but it didn't reach our shores until January 2020. Manufacturing was in a recession for all of 2019.

2019 comes before 2020. The manufacturing recession started in 2019. January 2019. That's what "in a recession for all of 2019 " means.
Be honest: You've never once read the Constitution in your entire fucking life.
Let me be completely honest ... I'm ready for the fucking quiz.

Now, all we need is for you to bone up as well and we'll make a go at an intelligent conversation that isn't completely one-sided, i.e. with me teaching you everything there is to know about it.

The part of the Constitution that federal response to a pandemic falls under is literally the general welfare clause
Nope. Read the Constitution PLEASE! Right now you are just wasting my time.
Now you just sound like a little fucking bitch who hasn't done their homework.
Grammar Nazi: "a little ficking bitch" is a singular and requires the posesive pronoun "her", not "their."

There is no homework involved in fabricating numbers on the spot (or copy-pasting fabrications off the internet).
Trump caused the loss of 300,000 jobs before a single COVID patient got sick.

Trump had the slowest market growth since 2008.

Trump lost 30 million jobs because he was stupid.

Trump added $8T to the debt with nothing to show for it.

Trump is the worst President we've ever had and we were lucky to survive him, which many people didn't.

I look forward to you riling up Nazis again this November for the simple fact that they will try another 1/6 the exact same way except this time the DC Police and National Guard will have the option to open fire.
All erroneous. At least you made that easy.
Much business was shut down
Oh so now again another goalpost move. So SOME businesses were shut down, but others weren't? So we're not talking about individual, specific businesses anymore, we're now talking about nebulous "bUSiNEss"? Well that wasn't really shut down because many businesses successfully adapted to online storefronts and delivery. And wasn't there a whole program where business owners got to apply for loans to pay their "employees" (aka themselves and their family) so their businesses didn't have to close permanently? Why yes, you've defended forgiving all the loans on that program while opposing the same forgiveness for student loans.
I knew you were going to get this reductive and try to parlay your bullshit by retconning it.
I'm so amazing that I reductivated and retconned without knowing what those words even mean. I am gooooooooooooooooooooood!

You should give up now before I start nailing your coffin shut with my effortless retconning reductivations. You don't have a prayer.

The COVID-19 virus was first detected in November 2019, but it didn't reach our shores until January 2020.
Nope. December 2019 we were kicking into COVID-19, which is why we called it COVID-19.

Manufacturing was in a recession for all of 2019.
Trump is going to massacre Kamala in the election simply based on the differences in stances over business between the right and the left. Trump wants businesses to thrive like never before while Kriminala and leftists just want to crush businesses like they are popping bubble-wrap.

Trump is going to lose for the same reason the GOP lost the House in 2018, the White House in 2020, the Senate in 2021, and had no wave while actually losing Senate seats in 2022....

You're failures.