Trump forgets who he is running against!

At least you admit that Trump had no say in the content of any bill. Nice pivot, by the way.

No say? Half those budgets were with a Republican Congress and Senate! Every single one of those budgets thereafter came from a Republican Senate!

Trump could have also vetoed the bills over these lame concerns but he didn't.
Too funny. Are you telling me that you are so incompetent in using the internet that you can't find it without help?

Too funny! Too EASY! You are a moron, and I'll throw you a piece of candy ...

The title:

Agreement for Bringing Peace to Afghanistan
between the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan which is not recognized by the United States
as a state and is known as the Taliban and the United States of America

Section 3

3. After the announcement of guarantees for a complete withdrawal of foreign forces and timeline
in the presence of international witnesses, and guarantees and the announcement in the presence
of international witnesses that Afghan soil will not be used against the security of the United
States and its allies, the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan which is not recognized by the United
States as a state and is known as the Taliban
will start intra-Afghan negotiations with Afghan
sides on March 10, 2020, which corresponds to Rajab 15, 1441 on the Hijri Lunar calendar and
Hoot 20, 1398 on the Hijri Solar calendar.

Ending of Section 4.

Following is the text of the agreement for the implementation of parts one and two of the above. Both
sides agree that these two parts are interconnected. The obligations of the Islamic Emirate of
Afghanistan which is not recognized by the United States as a state and is known as the Taliban in this
agreement apply in areas under their control until the formation of the new post-settlement Afghan
Islamic government as determined by the intra-Afghan dialogue and negotiations.

Part One, Intro to Section B.

B. With the commitment and action on the obligations of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan which
is not recognized by the United States as a state and is known as the Taliban
in Part Two of this
agreement, the United States, its allies, and the Coalition will execute the following:

... and thirteen other occurrences of same.

Are you really this fucking stupid or gullible or both?

In everything you quoted the US is telling the Taliban that they have the obligation to this agreement and to carry it out and have it apply UNTIL a new Afghan government is formed...but that can't happen if you allow the Taliban to maintain control of the areas it occupies!

This is what I mean when I say you people are fucking idiots.

This agreement basically says that the Taliban can control all the areas it currently does until there is a new government formed in Afghanistan which will never be because the Taliban controls most of the country.
Fuck you. You have no idea what you are gibbering about.

You have no idea what you're talking about.

There was already a democratically-elected government seated in Kabul in February 2020, that had control over Kabul and nearby territories. They were who the Taliban were fighting. They were who we were there to protect and support. They were not involved in this deal at all even though they were the recognized government of Afghanistan.

It's like you're just making this up as you go for spite.
The Taliban were effectively the government since 2001 and earlier if you don't count the US. It is totally irrelevant who is unable to admit this.
No, they weren't! They controlled parts of Afghanistan...but those were the desolate parts. Kabul is where most Afghans live, and the Taliban didn't control Kabul because of us. But we pulled out and they immediately went in because Trump abandoned that government with this agreement.

Thankfully, Biden was able to get 100,000 civilians out, but there were still many left behind that Trump did nothing for when he was POTUS.
The 2020 election was stolen. You are going to be quite disappointed if the DNC can't steal this one.
It wasn;t stolen and you knew it wasn;t stolen which was why you hid on 1/6; you weren't afraid of the violence, you were afraid of facing consequences for the stupidest lie ever told by the stupidest person to ever tell it.

Every single one of you knew the election wasn't really stolen, you just wanted revenge because you couldn't face the truth: You suck.
Quite with the word games. The pandemic hype was a hoax. COVID is just a mild flu.
Was COVID a hoax or not? Seems like a simple question. You've said before that it's a Chinese bioweapon so I'm trying to figure out how that fits into the whole "hoax" thing?
Chinese importing companies paid a lot,

Well at least now you've tacitly admitted that you didn't know how tariffs worked before.

But now your problem is who these importers are. And the majority of them, overwhelmingly, are privately-owned American corporations. Certainly the ones who deal with Walmart and Amazon.

So again, you have an overwhelming majority of importing done by American companies for the purpose of American retail sales and manufacturing. Tariffs hike costs for those guys, and that makes those guys charge their retailers more, which then makes the retailers charge us more.

Then of course, you have retaliation...which China did by refusing to buy American crops. That required a bailout of $30B, and unlike the auto bailouts in 2009, that Trump bailout will never be paid back.
The main impact was to make it more attractive to buy American, but foreign companies in the US, established to import foreign goods, bring in revenue on associated tariffs, and there were a lot brought in from Chinese goods.

The end result of this trade war was a hit to US taxpayers of $30B in addition to whatever the cost of the tariffs are that was passed onto consumers too.

Because China doesn't absorb the costs of tariffs, wee do, and they haven't changed a single meaningful thing.
China shifted from buying American crops to buying American farms, growing all their own food and then not selling any, but shipping it all back to China to feed their starving population.
So thanks to your tariffs, China now owns a substantial portion of American farm production.

Well done.


Fucking morons.
. I happen to be one of those who believe that statues and other monuments should never be destroyed but rather put into museums.

Well wait a second, is that what you really believe or is this another instance of you being a coward?

Trump was talking about the people who were actually there, right? So who were the "very fine people" that were there on the Nazis' side?
The 2020 election was stolen by the DNC. You are the gullible one in this equation who regurgitates everything his thought-masters at the DNC order him to believe.
But you don;'t belkieve that because you're a coward. You know the election wasn't stolen. In fact, you know why you lost it. I've told you several times, but for some reason you just don't wanna face it...oh right, I know the're a little bitch.