Trump forgets who he is running against!

But Trump didn't lose the 2020 election. Every black dog in America knows that election was rigged by the Democrat dirty tricks department. Trump won the election but it was stolen from him (mainly through mail-in ballot fraud).

If Trump does a number on Harris in the debate on the 10th, that is, if he tears her up into little pieces of bloody "skin and fur" - and I think that's what's going to happen, then he will effectively become POTUS47 on the night. The Nov 5th election will just be a formality.

Remember, that's what happened to Biden after Trump tore him up in their debate.... IT WAS 100% END-GAME FOR BIDEN. Right ?
Trump is going to fail in this debate with Harris just like he has failed in every other debate he's been in.

Lying compulsively is not a debate strategy.
Yes, that is exactly what happened. Trump's on audio telling Bob Woodward that COVID is serious while telling you that it was a hoax.

So Trump either lied to Woodward or he's lying to you.
Nope. Trump altered his position as he acquired new information, just like the Democrats and the news media.
Well, I can't fabricate them as quickly and effortlessly as you can, that's for sure.
You can't tolerate them because they prove your underlying philosophy and belief system is garbage.

Easily recognizable garbage because you people haven't had an original thought in your entire fucking lives.
You make a great point ... for any reality in which the President is Congress. Let me check to see if that is the case in this reality, and then I'll get back to you.

Oh so now you're going to move the bar, are you? Before you were demanding that Trump get 100% credit for this miraculous economy, that wasn't by any metric or non-ridiculous standard , hat was ruined nonetheless by a Chinese bioweapon that was also a hoax.

There's always excuses with you people. It's fucking pathetic. But not surprising given there's no proof of the benefits of any of your garbage beliefs.
Nope. Trump altered his position as he acquired new information, just like the Democrats and the news media.
LMAO! The DAY that audio leaked Trump was doing some stupid thing talking about how COVID is just like the flu.

Maybe you don't remember that because memory loss is a symptom of long COVID.
Says the guy who believes the truth is a lie.

You're a coward, and every coward is a liar; they're afraid of confronting the horrible parts of themselves because that's all you are.

So if you take that away, you have no identity. Victim is the identity you've taken, but the only one you've been a victim of is yourself. Not the DNC or liberals or trans folks, you. Your own shitty judgment. THAT is what you are most afraid of...losing faith in your own judgment.
It was and is the only option. The Constitution is very clear on this matter.
No, it wasn' other country in the world made the same choice. Not one. That poor choice was a reflection of your poor judgment, which you are afraid of confronting. It's easier for you to blame conspiracies or whatever if it means not having to admit you're a piece of shit.
Oh so now you're going to move the bar, are you?
Nope. No bar is being moved. If you are going to open-ended discuss the economy without mentioning anything other than names, you have to discuss Congress who controls the budget and the spending.

You can discuss specific actions on the part of a President, e.g. Trump, who eliminated business-quashing regulations and allowed businesses to flourish. No Democrat President ever does anything.

One thing you can do is list the controlling party of each house of Congress alongside of your numbers. That's fair, but then you have to extend credit to the parties, not to the President except insofar as the specific actions you cite.

For example, you could cite Bill Clinton's signature Affordable Housing Act for the housing crisis ending sometime in 2009.
Your fabrications don't prove anything.
I'm not the liar here, remember coward?

Trump's economic numbers are crap; even before COVID they were crap.

Stupid people will produce stupid policy that will have terrible consequences, and the Trump Presidency was the stupidest.
Democrats were crushing businesses nationwide YOU FUCKING CUM BUBBLE-WRAPPED SHIT STAIN!

You JUST SAID that was what they did in 2020. 2019 came BEFORE 2020. Manufacturing went into a recession in 2019...when all these Trump deregulations or whatever were already in effect.

Do you not understand how linear time works? Are you a baby? Do you not understand object permanence either? If we play peek-a-boo do you think I'm actually going away when you cover your eyes?
Does 2020 come after or before 2019? Not a rhetorical question.

2020 comes after 2019, so the Democrats couldn't have caused a manufacturing recession in 2019 by "shutting down the economy" or whatever in 2020.

Now I know that you know you lost this argument. Instead of defending Trump's economic record with anything, you just play childish repetition games. That's a part of your personality that you should do something about.
Nope. No bar is being moved. If you are going to open-ended discuss the economy without mentioning anything other than names, you have to discuss Congress who controls the budget and the spending.

You can discuss specific actions on the part of a President, e.g. Trump, who eliminated business-quashing regulations and allowed businesses to flourish. No Democrat President ever does anything.

One thing you can do is list the controlling party of each house of Congress alongside of your numbers. That's fair, but then you have to extend credit to the parties, not to the President except insofar as the specific actions you cite.

For example, you could cite Bill Clinton's signature Affordable Housing Act for the housing crisis ending sometime in 2009.

This is fucking hilarious to me.

So once you figured out that everything I've been saying regarding the economy and Trump's catastrophic mishandling of it is indisputable, you decided that suddenly it mattered who controlled Congress at the time, or at an arbitrary time, or whatever.

Business investment didn't flourish under Trump or the Republicans. In fact, it declined the same year the tax cut started, when Republicans controlled Congress. Not that it matters because whoever controls Congress has no effect on the economy or regulations because of how our government works: Congress can't do anything without the President signing it into law. That means regulations or whatever. You fucking idiots always fail because you don't know anything...and here you don't know anything about how our government works because you're all so fucking stupid.
