Trump forgets who he is running against!

Business wasn't shut down,
Much business was shut down. Many family owned businesses were forced out of business. Trump is going to massacre Kamala in the election simply based on the differences in stances over business between the right and the left. Trump wants businesses to thrive like never before while Kriminala and leftists just want to crush businesses like they are popping bubble-wrap.

That proved to be a big mistake because the deaths started to shift
There was no "death-shifting." It was all a hoax and COVID doesn't kill. You're going to have to try your fear-mongering on other leftists; it won't work here.
people have to realize IF they vote for Trump in the condition he seems to be going in they are really voting for Vance to be President.
IMO Trump will NOT finish out his term.
Why? Are you planning another assassination attempt?
He is losing it mentally and from the looks of him he is under great stress and could have a stroke or heart attack
at any time.
Have a nice day
Oh you read it in its entirety did you?
Too funny. Are you telling me that you are so incompetent in using the internet that you can't find it without help?

Show me in the deal you said you read where the US doesn't recognize the Taliban even though the deal is with the Taliban?
Too funny! Too EASY! You are a moron, and I'll throw you a piece of candy ...

The title:

Agreement for Bringing Peace to Afghanistan
between the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan which is not recognized by the United States
as a state and is known as the Taliban and the United States of America

Section 3

3. After the announcement of guarantees for a complete withdrawal of foreign forces and timeline
in the presence of international witnesses, and guarantees and the announcement in the presence
of international witnesses that Afghan soil will not be used against the security of the United
States and its allies, the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan which is not recognized by the United
States as a state and is known as the Taliban
will start intra-Afghan negotiations with Afghan
sides on March 10, 2020, which corresponds to Rajab 15, 1441 on the Hijri Lunar calendar and
Hoot 20, 1398 on the Hijri Solar calendar.

Ending of Section 4.

Following is the text of the agreement for the implementation of parts one and two of the above. Both
sides agree that these two parts are interconnected. The obligations of the Islamic Emirate of
Afghanistan which is not recognized by the United States as a state and is known as the Taliban in this
agreement apply in areas under their control until the formation of the new post-settlement Afghan
Islamic government as determined by the intra-Afghan dialogue and negotiations.

Part One, Intro to Section B.

B. With the commitment and action on the obligations of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan which
is not recognized by the United States as a state and is known as the Taliban
in Part Two of this
agreement, the United States, its allies, and the Coalition will execute the following:

... and thirteen other occurrences of same.
NO! Completely fucking wrong.
Fuck you. You have no idea what you are gibbering about.

The Taliban was not the Afghan government in 2020.
Please feel free to explain what governance besides the Taliban were calling the shots in Afghanistan in 2020.

The Taliban were effectively the government since 2001 and earlier if you don't count the US. It is totally irrelevant who is unable to admit this.
To be correct, Trump should have said he was running against Obama. The other two are morons incapable of responding to any substantive questions.
Quite right. Obama is part of the oligarchy.

Biden was forced out by The Oligarchy, and Kamala was used to replace him, despite the votes for Biden during the primaries. He was forced to make his own eulogy, then he was put out to pasture on 'vacation' for the remainder of the DNC.

Trump is running against The Oligarchy, including Biden and Kamala, which are both puppets of The Oligarchy.

Another snippet taken out of context and given different meaning by the lying Democrats.
China didn't pay those tariffs.
Chinese importing companies paid a lot, generating substantial revenue for the US. The main impact was to make it more attractive to buy American, but foreign companies in the US, established to import foreign goods, bring in revenue on associated tariffs, and there were a lot brought in from Chinese goods.

The Chinese government didn't pay that cost, but "China" did.
No, they were bailed out because China decided to stop buying American crops due to the Trade War you idiots started!
False. There was no trade war. There was a trade agreement. How are you confused?

China shifted from buying American crops to buying American farms, growing all their own food and then not selling any, but shipping it all back to China to feed their starving population.
So what is the context, then?

Who were the "very fine people" on the Nazis' side that Trump was talking about?
That's not what he said. Trump said there were very fine people on both sides of the debate about what to do with "offensive" statues. I happen to be one of those who believe that statues and other monuments should never be destroyed but rather put into museums.

You are one seriously gullible moron. It would help if you would do your own modicum of independent research.
The GDP in January 2009 was $14.1T.

The GDP in January 2017 was $19.6T.

Obama grew the economy by 39% over his 8 years as POTUS.

The GDP in January 2017 was $19.6T

The GDP in January 2021 was $22.1T

Trump grew the economy 11% over his 4 years as POTUS.

Obama was better for economic growth than Trump, if you look at the economic data and not your personal feelings.
You make a great point ... for any reality in which the President is Congress. Let me check to see if that is the case in this reality, and then I'll get back to you.
But Trump didn't lose the 2020 election.

Yes he did and saying he didn't is cowardice; it's you unable to come to terms with the fact that all yours/Trump's policies fail because all of your beliefs are stupid and he's stupid.

Continuing to lie about the 2020 election is why Trump will lose again, and again, and again, and again, and again...