Trump forgets who he is running against!

Oh but they did...
That wasn't a recession. It was Democrat oppression of all businesses, using fabricated COVID hype to extend government tyranny. This occurred at the State level. Trump had nothing to do with it. The DNC had everything to do with it.
Sure, we have "did you see what Trump did?" by taking Obama's record economy and turning it into a recession with his stupid tax cut.

Did you see how Trump completely and totally botched COVID which lead to the deaths of many of his stupid supporters that ended up costing him the 2020 election and the GOP a red wave in 2022?

Did you see how Trump's tax cut caused a manufacturing recession one year later while business investment declined and the deficit surged?

Did you see how Trump made a side deal with the Taliban, left out the Afghan government, released 5000 Taliban prisoners, and then evacuated exactly zero civilians or tons of equipment he promised to have out by April 1st, 2021?

Did you see how Trump tried to launch an insurrection over the Stupidest Lie Ever Told, and then just totally left all the Nazis who stormed the Capitol for him in jail to rot?

Did you see how Trump joined Herbert Hoover and George W. Bush as the only Presidents to ever leave office with fewer private sector jobs than when they started?

Did you see how Trump added $8T to the deficit?

Did you see how his tariffs ended up costing taxpayers $30B because we had to bail out corporations and farmer trash whose businesses were ruined by the tariffs they stupidly supported?

Did you see how he called Nazis "very fine people"?

Most importantly, did you see how he utterly lost the 2020 election because he couldn't keep his stupid, fat mouth shut and neither could you?
:hand: :hand: :hand:

I ought to copy this and save it and re-post it (with attribution, of course) every time one of the MAGATs says anything about #TRE45ON's allegedly good economy. Too bad most of them are too stupid to understand that inflation was caused by the pandemic and is worldwide, not just here.
Oh, I know. We have a large contingent of citizens in this country who prefer hate, division, and chaos over unity. Sad that you're one of them.
No we have a large contingent of citizens who know they're going to be fucked by the Cackler and Fudd team of radical Leftist Socialists.

With them yours and my taxes will go up. Inflation will be high. The cost of everything will rise dramatically. They will ass fuck the nation. Harris's tax proposals will tank the economy totally. Her push of the New Greentard Deal will destroy the energy sector and cause electricity to become unaffordable. She will do to the US what the un-Democratics have done to California only on steroids.

That will result in her very name becoming a curse word.
No we have a large contingent of citizens who know they're going to be fucked by the Cackler and Fudd team of radical Leftist Socialists.

With them yours and my taxes will go up. Inflation will be high. The cost of everything will rise dramatically. They will ass fuck the nation. Harris's tax proposals will tank the economy totally. Her push of the New Greentard Deal will destroy the energy sector and cause electricity to become unaffordable. She will do to the US what the un-Democratics have done to California only on steroids.

That will result in her very name becoming a curse word.
Human sacrifice! Dog and cats living together! Mass hysteria!

Have a lovely and uneasy evening in your panic room, rearranging your ammo and freeze-dried stuff. lol
No we have a large contingent of citizens who know they're going to be fucked by the Cackler and Fudd team of radical Leftist Socialists.

With them yours and my taxes will go up. Inflation will be high. The cost of everything will rise dramatically. They will ass fuck the nation. Harris's tax proposals will tank the economy totally. Her push of the New Greentard Deal will destroy the energy sector and cause electricity to become unaffordable. She will do to the US what the un-Democratics have done to California only on steroids.

That will result in her very name becoming a curse word.
Instead of telling us a future existing in your head see what answers you have, if any, to the criticisms quoted in the post above yours.
Instead of telling us a future existing in your head see what answers you have, if any, to the criticisms quoted in the post above yours.

Essentially, Harris in raising an estimated $5 trillion a year in new taxes will absolutely wreck the US economy. Her tax on untaken capital gains alone ensures absolute destruction of the economy. Anyone subject to it will disinvest ahead of it being implemented simply to avoid the massive loss associated with it.
If you think you aren't going to get hit, it's coming for you too. She wants the Trump tax cuts to expire in their entirety. That means your taxes are going up.

She's going to put the greentard agenda too. Look at California. The state is starting to put people on a sort of welfare program to pay their electric bills. Solar and wind are grotesquely expensive.

It happened in Germany and Australia too, to name two other nations that went all-in on solar and wind.

Price controls? Ask Venezuela how that worked out for them...

That's when Democrats began citing COVID to shut down businesses everywhere.
Business wasn't shut down, there was plenty of business happening during the pandemic. Most of it online.

And most of the Red states didn't shut down at all, or they did for just like a month.

That proved to be a big mistake because the deaths started to shift to Conservatives and red states by 2021, which is why Conservatives lost races like the AZ AG and AZ Gov.
I read it in its entirety. It wasn't a "side deal." The agreement specified many times that the US doesn't recognize the Taliban.

Oh you read it in its entirety did you?


Where did you read it?

Show me in the deal you said you read where the US doesn't recognize the Taliban even though the deal is with the Taliban?

You're lying.
The Taliban was, however, the Afghan government, for all intents and purposes
NO! Completely fucking wrong. The Taliban was not the Afghan government in 2020.

The Taliban BECAME the Afghan government after doing the deal with Trump.

A deal he wanted to do on 9/11 at Camp David. He wanted to invite the Taliban to Camp David on the anniversary of 9/11.
You are confusing Trump with Biden. Biden abandoned the plan and botched the exit, resulting in disaster and thirteen deaths.

What plan? From February 2020, when Trump did his deal with the Taliban, through January 21st, 2021, Trump evacuated exactly 0 civilians and 0 tons of equipment. In fact, most of the troops were still there by the time Trump left office.

Biden had to extend the deadline to August 1st from April 1st because Trump did nothing -LITERALLY NOTHING- for 11 months.
The 2020 election was stolen. Many deeply concerned US citizens protested as they should have. Nonetheless, the day before the protest, Trump called for peace and for all to support the DC police, and Trump did so again the day of the protests. Dishonest shits, such as you, characterize the exercise of 1st Amendment rights by US citizens as an illegal attack on the United States.

You don't believe a single fucking thing you wrote here. You don't believe it for a second. You're just saying it on JPPO because you want to get a rise out of people since your life has absolutely no meaning.

You're not a coward because you're afraid of violence, you're a coward because you're afraid of failure. Specifically, you're afraid to confront the failures of your belief system, personality, and politics.

That's what makes you a're afraid of admitting that your judgment sucks.
Nobody stormed anything for Trump.

A bunch of Nazis did because you told them the election was stolen when you knew it wasn't, because you wanted revenge on everyone that made you feel like a loser for 4 years because every single thing Trump did ended up failing.

Every. Single. Fucking. Thing. FAILED.

All of it. There is not one single success from Trump's 4 years. Nothing. Nothing to campaign on. Nothing to tout. Nothing to be proud of.

Those failures culminated in a 7 million vote margin for Biden, and a shellacking in the Electoral College by your own stupid standards from 2016.