Trump forgets who he is running against!

And everyone continues to laugh at you. :lolup:

What a delusional dumb fuck.

It is obvious you cannot handle the truth, cannot comprehend an argument, can't create a coherent argument and are merely here to troll and remove any lingering doubt what a massively stupid fuck you really are. :laugh:


Keep going. You're a comic relief :D
One fundamentally atrocious candidate now further impaired with senile dementia
is NOT our problem.

Tens of millions of fucking idiots ready to vote for him---that's our real problem.
Indeed. We call them Democrats. Poor NiftyNitWit, he was born without a brain or common sense.
I have taken a good look at you and see someone with severe mental issues and an IQ that is well below room temperature.

I find it laughably ironic that leftist liars like you who spent the last 3 1/2 years defending Biden's obvious mental decline now lie and try to hang that around Trumps neck with stupid claims like this thread.

Nothing wrong with a Vance Presidency. Beats the hell out of the miserable failures of the Biden/Harris one.

Ironic from someone who is obviously sleepwalking and enjoys a party that lies and gaslights him.

You really are too stupid for words. :laugh:
are you really sure you weren't looking in a mirror?
it sure sounds like it .
I would call you a moron but your IQ isn't that high and I would be insulting real morons
have a nice day ASSHOLE