Trump forgets who he is running against!

[tightly-cropped contextless X video snipet removed]
Like I said, all leftists have is "Did you hear what Donald Trump said?" followed by a tightly cropped clip removed from all context.

Leftists never, ever, ever, ever go anywhere near Trump's record of accomplishments because leftists recognize that, if you look only at the execution of his official duties, i.e. deeds not words, Trump was the best President in US history.

Here, Jarod dutifully posts another "Did you hear what Trump said?"

@Jarod - do you remember everything Trump did officially as President
Like I said, all leftists have is "Did you hear what Donald Trump said?" followed by a tightly cropped clip removed from all context.

Leftists never, ever, ever, ever go anywhere near Trump's record of accomplishments because leftists recognize that, if you look only at the execution of his official duties, i.e. deeds not words, Trump was the best President in US history.

Here, Jarod dutifully posts another "Did you hear what Trump said?"

@Jarod - do you remember everything Trump did officially as President
WE discussed what trumps failed trade war with China did to us, remember?
That puts them streets ahead of Cackler and Fudd.
WE discussed what trumps failed trade war with China did to us, remember?
You still haven't stated anything factual. Your juvenile tactic is to label an accomplishment as a "failed policy" and claim victory.

There was no trade war, and by extension, there was no trade war that somehow failed. There was a trade agreement in which Trump applied new tariffs (bringing in many $billions to the US) and China agreed to buy hundreds of billions of dollars more of American goods, i.e. a big win for America.

That doesn't sound like any sort of failed policy to me. I can see how it comes across as a failed policy to an America-hater. When Biden was installed, he left Trump's tariffs in place. Trump's accomplishment lives on helping all Americans. Period. End of story.
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Watch the fucking video. I know it pains you that Trump is old and might be senile.
Do you have anything other than "Did you hear what Trump said?" without any context given? Do you have anything at all, for example, actions taken by Trump while executing official duties of the Presidency?
Do you have anything other than "Did you hear what Trump said?" without any context given? Do you have anything at all, for example, actions taken by Trump while executing official duties of the Presidency?
That isn't the topic. The possibility of Trump being senile should concern you
Do you have anything other than "Did you hear what Trump said?" without any context given? Do you have anything at all, for example, actions taken by Trump while executing official duties of the Presidency?
Sure, we have "did you see what Trump did?" by taking Obama's record economy and turning it into a recession with his stupid tax cut.

Did you see how Trump completely and totally botched COVID which lead to the deaths of many of his stupid supporters that ended up costing him the 2020 election and the GOP a red wave in 2022?

Did you see how Trump's tax cut caused a manufacturing recession one year later while business investment declined and the deficit surged?

Did you see how Trump made a side deal with the Taliban, left out the Afghan government, released 5000 Taliban prisoners, and then evacuated exactly zero civilians or tons of equipment he promised to have out by April 1st, 2021?

Did you see how Trump tried to launch an insurrection over the Stupidest Lie Ever Told, and then just totally left all the Nazis who stormed the Capitol for him in jail to rot?

Did you see how Trump joined Herbert Hoover and George W. Bush as the only Presidents to ever leave office with fewer private sector jobs than when they started?

Did you see how Trump added $8T to the deficit?

Did you see how his tariffs ended up costing taxpayers $30B because we had to bail out corporations and farmer trash whose businesses were ruined by the tariffs they stupidly supported?

Did you see how he called Nazis "very fine people"?

Most importantly, did you see how he utterly lost the 2020 election because he couldn't keep his stupid, fat mouth shut and neither could you?
So, the answer is "no." Leftists never have anything beyond "Did you hear what Trump said?" and then proceed to remove all context.

You've got nothing.

Show me this "possibility" as demonstrated by actions, not by closely cropped sound bytes with all context removed.
Watch the video. Biden isn't running.

You got nothing. Your worship of the Orange Messiah is noted, though.
Sure, we have "did you see what Trump did?" by taking Obama's record economy and turning it into a recession with his stupid tax cut.
Nope. Everybody saw how drastically the economy improved while Trump was President, owing to his slashing of business-stifling regulations.

Did you see how Trump completely and totally botched COVID
Nope. The States are responsible for dealing with COVID. The President doesn't have any such authority in that area. The President's lack of authority stems from the Constitution and is not something that he somehow "botched."

Did you see how Trump's tax cut caused a manufacturing recession one year later

while business investment declined and the deficit surged?
That's when Democrats began citing COVID to shut down businesses everywhere.

Did you see how Trump made a side deal with the Taliban,
I read it in its entirety. It wasn't a "side deal." The agreement specified many times that the US doesn't recognize the Taliban.

left out the Afghan government,
The Taliban was, however, the Afghan government, for all intents and purposes.

released 5000 Taliban prisoners, and then evacuated exactly zero civilians or tons of equipment he promised to have out by April 1st, 2021?
You are confusing Trump with Biden. Biden abandoned the plan and botched the exit, resulting in disaster and thirteen deaths.

Did you see how Trump tried to launch an insurrection over the Stupidest Lie Ever Told,
The 2020 election was stolen. Many deeply concerned US citizens protested as they should have. Nonetheless, the day before the protest, Trump called for peace and for all to support the DC police, and Trump did so again the day of the protests. Dishonest shits, such as you, characterize the exercise of 1st Amendment rights by US citizens as an illegal attack on the United States.

Your point is dismissed with extreme prejudice.

and then just totally left all the Nazis who stormed the Capitol for him in jail to rot?
Nobody stormed anything for Trump.

Did you see how Trump joined Herbert Hoover and George W. Bush as the only Presidents to ever leave office with fewer private sector jobs than when they started?
Democrats own that for their COVID hoax and their overt tyranny at the State level.

Did you see how Trump added $8T to the deficit?
Trump was President, not Congress.

Did you see how his tariffs ended up costing taxpayers $30B
Nope. The tariffs paid for hundreds of $billions of US infrastructure and motivated greater domestic spending resulting in benefits to US businesses. The tariffs were very advantageous to US citizens.

because we had to bail out corporations and farmer trash whose businesses were ruined by the tariffs they stupidly supported?
Nobody was bailed out except for farmers who were compensated with funds acquired from tariffs on Chinese goods entering the country for damages caused by China's unfair trade practices. The tariffs were a very good thing.

Did you see how he called Nazis "very fine people"?
"Did you hear what Trump said?" taken completely out of context. Dismissed.

Most importantly, did you see how he utterly lost the 2020 election
Trump won the 2020 election in a record landslide victory. The DNC, fully anticipating this, stole the election as their only option.
Nope. Everybody saw how drastically the economy improved while Trump was President, owing to his slashing of business-stifling regulations.

Donald Trump never once topped Obama's best annual GDP growth, and the DJIA grew at its slowest rate since 2008 while he was President.

Manufacturing was in a recession one year after the tax cut went into effect, and then in February 2020, the rest of the economy followed.

Donald Trump lost net private sector jobs during his term, the only POTUS to do that since Bush the Dumber and Hoover before him.
Nope. The States are responsible for dealing with COVID. The President doesn't have any such authority in that area. The President's lack of authority stems from the Constitution and is not something that he somehow "botched."
Trump's response to COVID was to call it a hoax, downplay it, and then lie about it. "Leaving it to the states" is why the economy fell apart. The "policy" wasn't a policy, it was nothing. So of course your response to COVID will be awful if you do nothing.
trump cannot remember who he is running against. That is kind of a simple, important fact. It has been a big fact in his life.

It is time for everyone to admit he is not fit to be President. trump should step out of the way and let Vance run for President.
Donald Trump never once topped Obama's best annual GDP growth,
This point is totally debateable.

What is not debateable is that Obama did nothing to affect growth whereas Trump eliminated stifling regulations spurring growth as the immediate result.