Trump forgets who he is running against!

^^Doesn't seem to realize he's defending his orange hero heavily.
Trump doesn't need defending you mentally deranged dumbass. I am defending the truth. Something you avoid and know nothing about.

The claim is, he forgot who he is running against coming from a partisan hack who didn't care when Biden couldn't even remember he was President or his staffs' names.

I wish you had a brain. Really I do.
Biden is not the topic, nor is Cypress. Address the topic. The topic is your senile orange hero.
More irony from a lying, hypocritical leftist thread troll trying to make me the topic.

AProudLefty;4672702 said:
Address the topic, not other posters.
Trump doesn't need defending you mentally deranged dumbass. I am defending the truth. Something you avoid and know nothing about.

The claim is, he forgot who he is running against coming from a partisan hack who didn't care when Biden couldn't even remember he was President or his staffs' names.

I wish you had a brain. Really I do.
:lolup: Thinks he knows the truth.
What people realize is that leftists like you are mentally deranged, serial liars and apparently love a political party that is autocratic, lies to the people and gaslights them.
well take a good look at Trump ASSHOLE and tell us you think he isn't loosing it mentally and he looks like shit physically, the stress of everything going on in his life is getting to him and IMO he will not finish out his term in office and Vance will become President, IF he doesn't have a heart attack or stroke before the election.
so a vote for Trump is actually a vote for Vance to be President.
OPEN your fucking eyes, WAKE the fuck UP
Have a nice day
I did jackass. He clearly said Biden/Harris. What part of the obvious is beyond your microscopic brains comprehension?

He is when I made my point dumbass. You're not very smart. In fact, calling you stupid is an insult to stupid people.
One more time, Biden isn't running. You are too dumb.
You're the one who tries to make yourself the topic.
No dumbass, that would be you. But alas, you don't have a brain to comprehend the obvious. :laugh:

well take a good look at Trump ASSHOLE and tell us you think he isn't loosing it mentally and he looks like shit physically, the stress of everything going on in his life is getting to him and IMO he will not finish out his term in office and Vance will become President, IF he doesn't have a heart attack or stroke before the election.

I have taken a good look at you and see someone with severe mental issues and an IQ that is well below room temperature.

I find it laughably ironic that leftist liars like you who spent the last 3 1/2 years defending Biden's obvious mental decline now lie and try to hang that around Trumps neck with stupid claims like this thread.

so a vote for Trump is actually a vote for Vance to be President.

Nothing wrong with a Vance Presidency. Beats the hell out of the miserable failures of the Biden/Harris one.

OPEN your fucking eyes, WAKE the fuck UP
Have a nice day
Ironic from someone who is obviously sleepwalking and enjoys a party that lies and gaslights him.

You really are too stupid for words. :laugh:
people have to realize IF they vote for Trump in the condition he seems to be going in they are really voting for Vance to be President.
IMO Trump will NOT finish out his term.
He is losing it mentally and from the looks of him he is under great stress and could have a stroke or heart attack
at any time.
Have a nice day
The only reason that Trump might not finish his term is a Democrat aims better this time. But I'm OK with J.D. Vance.
I have taken a good look at you and see someone with severe mental issues and an IQ that is well below room temperature.

I find it laughably ironic that leftist liars like you who spent the last 3 1/2 years defending Biden's obvious mental decline now lie and try to hang that around Trumps neck with stupid claims like this thread.

Nothing wrong with a Vance Presidency. Beats the hell out of the miserable failures of the Biden/Harris one.

Ironic from someone who is obviously sleepwalking and enjoys a party that lies and gaslights him.

You really are too stupid for words. :laugh:
And everyone continues to laugh at you. :lolup: