Trump forgets who he is running against!

What a loser! LOL!
I like your king-tipping style!

Well, it's not a purple state anymore. And aside from 1996 when Clinton won it, it went Republican in every Presidential election until 2020. And then in 2022, Dems eked out very, very narrow victories in statewide races...every single one of them, actually. I don't believe that any Republicans won statewide offices in 2022, or if they did they were minor ones.
I can tell you it isn't a "blue" state by any stretch.
Trump was talking about the people who were actually there, right?
Nope. Trump was talking about people on either side of the debate. If you'll recall, he concluded with stating that anyone defacing statues or monuments should be fined $10,000

So who were the "very fine people" that were there on the Nazis' side?
You are gullible and you readily believe everything the Marxist media tells you to believe.
It's not evasion when you are asking random questions.

There was nothing random about my question. so I'll ask it again:.

You said that "many family owned businesses closed" because of the pandemic, yet the PPP program that you supported was supposed to prevent that from happening.

So either PPP was a giant Conservative slush fund or it failed to keep businesses opened. In either way, it's a failure. Another failure.
Pointing to others who are being dishonest as you are doesn't make the lie become true just because it's on the internet.

How are they being dishonest? They're simply looking at the size of the manufacturing economy at the start of 2019 and seeing that it's smaller by the end of 2019.
It's also the year it was first in the US. December 2019.

The first COVID cases in the US weren't until January 2020, and December 2019 is at the end of 2019; there were 11 months of contraction prior to it. Contraction that started in Q1 2019.

So how did Democrats cause economic contraction in manufacturing starting in January 2019, by pushing for lockdowns in March 2020?

Conservatives now think linear time is a conspiracy.
There was nothing random about my question.
You know that you are flailing wildly when the people around you are ducking for cover. It's why I'm under the table.

so I'll ask it again:.

You said that "many family owned businesses closed" because of the pandemic,
Nope. I said that they closed because of tyrannical government. The pandemic was just the hoax that was used as the pretense.

yet the PPP program that you supported
Explain how I supported this program.
Nope. December 2019.

You just make shit up as you go because that's what liars and cowards do:

January 20, 2020​

CDC reports the first laboratory-confirmed case of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus in the U.S. from samples taken on January 18 in Washington state and on the same day activates its Emergency Operations Center (EOC) to respond to the emerging outbreak.

I can tell you it isn't a "blue" state by any stretch.

Right, which means every single vote matters, and when you had twice as many Conservatives dying from COVID than liberals, that is going to 100% play out in the elections...and it did. Now Trump can't steal AZ's electoral votes because the Governor and Attorney General are both Democrats. In the case of AG, the Democrat won by less than 400 votes.