trump has had enough, they cant make him debate that mean lady.

Precisely. Being shielded from reality, he was like the only child who concocts imaginary friends to keep from being lonely. In his case, he simply concocted an inflated sense of self worth. No doubt due to those who would be happy to part of his posse just because of the money.
Agreed with a caveat.

In the philosophy threads, the subject of free will was a common one. The atheists believe we're all meat robots reacting solely to biochemical programming and experience while the theists pushed a magical power of complete Free Will. Freud came out towards the middle by dividing our actions as based upon Super Ego, Ego and Id. I'm in the middle too, although weak on psychoanalytic psychiatry.

Regardless, even if 90% of our actions are guided by genetics and other factors beyond our conscious control, that still leaves 10% choice AKA the free will to choose.

Trump had a choice and still has choices just as Biden did. Biden acted in the best interests of the nation over personal glory. Trump will not. If he loses, he will do his best to burn down the nation one way or another.
He was the only one telling truths up there.

Yes those fucking Haitians are eating peoples pets.

Can't wait for retribution next year against you slimy parasites.

What would your mother think about your posts here, Joe? Or would you just smack her around for not listening?
Regardless, even if 90% of our actions are guided by genetics and other factors beyond our conscious control, that still leaves 10% choice AKA the free will to choose.

Trump had a choice and still has choices just as Biden did. Biden acted in the best interests of the nation over personal glory. Trump will not. If he loses, he will do his best to burn down the nation one way or another.
I believe that trump has always suffered severe psych issues. Couple that with the frontotemporal dementia that I'm convinced he suffers from, I don't know if he has any control over his actions.

Being from NY, I've been aware of trump for many decades. I remember when he was about to lose another casino, there was a lot of hoopla in the news about Merv Griffin stepping in and doing a deal with trump. It appeared in public to be a swap of properties, but I believe behind the scenes it was basically a benign gesture by Griffin that allowed trump to both save face, and come out in pretty good shape.
The asshole got on the news and started referring to Griffin as some stupid old man who he got over on by dumping a worthless property on him.

He simply cannot help himself.

I honestly do not believe that he'll be able to incite another riot. He showed that he doesn't have the backs of the last group of morons who did his bidding, and he had the power to pardon them then. It's very different this time. He isn't the incumbent now.

I think the question will be whether his lapdogs in Congress will attempt to deny the results of the election?
One thing is for sure...this will be a fascinating fall.
I believe that trump has always suffered severe psych issues. Couple that with the frontotemporal dementia that I'm convinced he suffers from, I don't know if he has any control over his actions.

Being from NY, I've been aware of trump for many decades. I remember when he was about to lose another casino, there was a lot of hoopla in the news about Merv Griffin stepping in and doing a deal with trump. It appeared in public to be a swap of properties, but I believe behind the scenes it was basically a benign gesture by Griffin that allowed trump to both save face, and come out in pretty good shape.
The asshole got on the news and started referring to Griffin as some stupid old man who he got over on by dumping a worthless property on him.

He simply cannot help himself.

I honestly do not believe that he'll be able to incite another riot. He showed that he doesn't have the backs of the last group of morons who did his bidding, and he had the power to pardon them then. It's very different this time. He isn't the incumbent now.

I think the question will be whether his lapdogs in Congress will attempt to deny the results of the election?
One thing is for sure...this will be a fascinating fall.
Trump was a bigly bully and a bad student. When his dad gave up he sent him to a military school. Donnie stayed in disciplinary trouble and had poor grades. He has always been a self-centered bully who wanted to skate by. He has not grown up. He has not changed.

What should have been fact-checked. We know what was "fact-checked" about what Trump what did Kamala say that required fact-checking right there?
It was drilled into his head as a child, and he simply cannot change his psyche.

Truthfully, in the business world he never had to. He can't discern business from politics, because he views the latter as an opportunity for the former.
Trump's biggest problem has always been his ego and his weak personality. No one near him will ever dare to tell him "No, that's not right." He is a bully who has always gotten his way through intimidation, bellowing, threats, and rage storms. As Harris said, he is unfit to be POTUS.
I honestly do not believe that he'll be able to incite another riot. He showed that he doesn't have the backs of the last group of morons who did his bidding, and he had the power to pardon them then. It's very different this time. He isn't the incumbent now.

I think the question will be whether his lapdogs in Congress will attempt to deny the results of the election?
One thing is for sure...this will be a fascinating fall.
I expect that he will try to whip up some violence but the effort will fail. He will try to tie the election up in the courts as long as he can. And he will file for 2028 the day after his loss, in another attempt to stay out of prison.
Poor trump, he is afraid they might make him go back and debate that mean lady again.

He scared.

I don't think so Jarod.

Trump would absolutely love to debate Kamala again IN A FAIR CONTEST. In a FAIR debating format, Kamala Harris would be hit right out of the ball park, just like, "Blow-Hole" Joe Biden, was when he and Trump had their last debate a few months ago.

Why would Trump agree to debate Harris again if the only format for the contest is one provided by the MSM - i.e. the Democrat propaganda machine ?

Every black dog in America who watched the recent debate organised by ABC knows that the two moderators were ridiculously biased against Trump. It was disgusting, actually. Harris just stood there with a that sickening, shit-eating smirk on her face, and when she had the chance to speak, eitherr supplied a string of outright, "balls out" lies, or, belched up her standard menu of feel-good, fuzzy platitudes about her "plans" for an " Opportunity Economy" (WTF's that supposed mean? No one had a f**king clue - including her, probably).

Why would Trump want to walk into another situation like this? A 90-minute debate, where a pair of vicious, leftist cock-suckers like, say, Joy Reid and Anderson Cooper (or Rachel Maddow and Wolf Blitzer), were given the job of moderating ?

Trump's not that stupid, buddy.

Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal TRUMPER Hound !!
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I don't think so Jarod.

Trump would absolutely love to debate Kamala again IN A FAIR CONTEST. In a FAIR debating format, Kamala Harris would be hit right out of the ball park, just like, "Blow-Hole" Joe Biden, was when he and Trump had their last debate a few months ago.

Why would Trump agree to debate Harris again if the only format for the contest is one provided by the MSM - i.e. the Democrat propaganda machine ?

Every black dog in America who watched the recent debate organised by ABC knows that the two moderators were ridiculously biased against Trump. It was disgusting, actually. Harris just stood there with a sickening shit-eating smirk on her face, and when she had the chance to speak, eitherr supplied a string of outright, "balls out" lies, or, belched up her standard menu of feel-good, fuzzy platitudes about her "plans" for an " Opportunity Economy" (WTF's that supposed mean? No one had a f**king clue - including her, probably).

Why would Trump want to walk into another situation like this? A 90-minute debate, where a pair of vicious, leftist cock-suckers like, say, Joy Reid and Anderson Cooper (or Rachel Maddow and Wolf Blitzer), were given the job of moderating ?

Trump's not that stupid, buddy.

Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal TRUMPER Hound !!
Yeah...THEY made Trump look like a chump. Trump did not look like a chump because he is a chump...but because THEY did it to him.

Jesus H. people are as much an abomination as he.
I don't think so Jarod.

Trump would absolutely love to debate Kamala again IN A FAIR CONTEST. In a FAIR debating format, Kamala Harris would be hit right out of the ball park, just like, "Blow-Hole" Joe Biden, was when he and Trump had their last debate a few months ago.

Why would Trump agree to debate Harris again if the only format for the contest is one provided by the MSM - i.e. the Democrat propaganda machine ?

Every black dog in America who watched the recent debate organised by ABC knows that the two moderators were ridiculously biased against Trump. It was disgusting, actually. Harris just stood there with a that sickening, shit-eating smirk on her face, and when she had the chance to speak, eitherr supplied a string of outright, "balls out" lies, or, belched up her standard menu of feel-good, fuzzy platitudes about her "plans" for an " Opportunity Economy" (WTF's that supposed mean? No one had a f**king clue - including her, probably).

Why would Trump want to walk into another situation like this? A 90-minute debate, where a pair of vicious, leftist cock-suckers like, say, Joy Reid and Anderson Cooper (or Rachel Maddow and Wolf Blitzer), were given the job of moderating ?

Trump's not that stupid, buddy.

Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal TRUMPER Hound !!
Hahaha, trump can’t handle it, she mean.